Urgently needed - Instructions to change FILLER NECK SENSOR

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Urgently needed - Instructions to change FILLER NECK SENSOR

Unread post by paulcornwall »

If you can help please do, I need instruction for replacing the FILLER NECK SENSOR on a Citroen C8, any links or help really appreciated.
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Re: Urgently needed - Instructions to change FILLER NECK SEN

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

I don't have the full instructions but....if its the same as the C5 then you need a Lexia, do you have one ?. It gives the procedure for reactivating it.

You need about 5 gallons of fuel for the process as it seems to read a fuel increase during the process. Its a take off cap, wait, fuel, replace cap, wait 12 secs remove, replace ect..type of thing

Sorry I cant be accurate.....but it bumps the thread :)
Activa, the Moose Dodger