Website designers out there

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Website designers out there

Unread post by KP »

Is there anyone on here who knows how to design sites at all??

Im trying to design a decent site and thought i could save some time by using word... But the results are uselss so im going back to notepad...

the problem is i am trying to get a pretty decent result with lots of word wrapping, text over colored box's and so fourth but can't find much out there advising of how to do this.

I've tried tools to strip word code out of the page but it never works right and i end up with a worse mess!

Any help appreciated and if anyone can design something like this,

even better! Im guessing they have used Flash or something though?

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Unread post by spider »

I think that's flash based, although the problem I think with doing things like that is search engines cannot really see or index it properly.

My site designing skills are quite limited unfortunately, so I doubt I could provide much help.

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Unread post by KP »

Im thinking about the flash stuff but means i would have to get adobe CS5 or equivelant which is preicy for a company about to start up :(

Think i'll have to code a basic HTML page and work it all out the hard way :(
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Unread post by Homer »

Can't help much but I've found this site invaluable for html, php, javascript and mysql.
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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

When I was doing my A levels a couple of the units were on web development and making simple flash content. Best bit of advice I can give you is to get what you want the site to look like page by page on a paint package. Divide each of the components that make it up into sections (on the FCF we have the logo, bunch of links below the title etc) and then work out how you're going to put each bit together in code.

If you want to know how to make the most of your hosting and domain registration costs, take a look at my site :lol:

I wouldn't recommend CS4/CS5 unless you have a rather meaty computer. I would have thought you could do that compaid flash intro in one of the pre adobe Macromedia Suites. I've found an MX 2004 going on ebay at the moment for lunch money :wink:

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Unread post by CitroJim »

The W3schools site Homer, is excellent..

Learn to code in raw HTML first and then learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). W3Schools will teach all you need, right up to writing in PHP!

Use a good HTML Editor. I recommend HTML-Kit.

Take it slowly, start off basically and don't try to be too flash too soon (no pun intended!!!)

I'm not good at HTML by any means but studing at W3Schools did allow me to do this...

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Unread post by KP »

Cheers guys,

Looked at the site Kev and its much like mine at the minute :D

Meaty computers are no problem. Quad core imac and a half decent HP media centre laptop and good machines at work like some Dell T7500 are good :D

Will try and read over that site tonight as we have kinda what we want in a Word document and i guess it provides a solid base to work from :)

Thanks guys :)
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Unread post by ellevie »

Nvu is an open source html editor which is easy to use.

Google Sites might also be of interest.

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