I think I should have a blog here to help me think aloud and leave the main forum to more 'succinct' postings

For anyone that doesnt follow the verbose stuff I normally natter on about..
I have a series 2 TD xant, which I brought blind on ebay (Oct 07) and has had a patchy previous life. I have been running it on various ratios of SVO, WVO, UL, and DERV and am still not sure what works best..
I had a V6 S2 before, and miss the toys that had.. I have done my best to get my 'tractor' a bit higher spec, wheels, steering wheel, mudflaps, heated washer jets and headlamp washers (not connected) and exclusive seats.
I crashed it into a pug van in December on the M11, causing a really tough 6 hour wait to get recovered off (AA wont touch me as it was a crash) so cost was about £300 plus the time spent in sleet with no coolant left

I managed to source the green front end from Dewsbury and also a breaker in Norwich (Dews also had the wheels and seats)
I rebuilt the engine in August (I wanted to have a look inside) and also felt a clutch would be worth fitting..
since then the car has gummed up the fuel filter, leading to another 6 hour recovery (free this time) but at least gave me the chance to meet Mr CitroJim

Anyway, I am also restoring an old RV (23foot long and very wide)
My dads 306 has suffered some compression issues, so that is high on the agenda.
I have a VFR**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff] that has suffered some plastics damage, and also a GPX 250 which I brought very cheap and hoped would go on back of RV
