It'as been a bit of a car day today
Makes a change and as it was such a lovely sunny day I really couldn't resist...
I reset Bluebell's clock to GMT and then prepared her for a warming run. When she's been standing a long time all the fuel in her fuel line runs back to the tank and thus she takes a lot of cranking to get fuel back up into her system.
To avoid battery and starter motor stress, I hit on the idea of using my vacuum tester to prime the fuel system...
Firstly, up to the pump (mechanical on the AX)...
That worked beautifully
Then I primed from the pump to the carb. and finally pumped what fuel I'd sucked up into the float chamber...
The pumping force for this was by mouth
Result... Instant start and running like a clock from the get-go
Whilst she warmed up, I swapped the other dip beam headlight bulb in Polly so that she has a matched set of bulbs as is recommended... Another very easy job
Even easier on the offside than on the nearside...
The good one I removed is now an emergency spare and in the car...
I then checked over all three of my vehicles for all the usual things and found no issues at all..
Looking at Bluebell idling on the drive I was concerned to see steam curing up around her front end... A quick look showed this to be apparently issuing fro the front of her radiator. Then her fan cut in and the steam stopped with no reappearance when the fan stopped... At least I know her cooing fan still works!
A good and most lovely test drive showed no problems and no steam was seen at the end...
I guess it must have been a bit of accumulated condensation boiling away...
Something to keep an eye on though.
She really is a joy to drive