Hello from Portugal!

A forum for new members to introduce themselves to the rabble already onboard. Not compulsory!
Tell us a little about yourself, lie if you have to but keep it to just an introduction, not a car discussion.
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Hello from Portugal!

Unread post by rui_saraiva »

Hello there!

I've joined this forum some time ago but never posted anything before.

I actually own a Peugeot 3008 (P84) and an e-208 (P21), and have owned a 307 (T6) and a 206 (T1).
My closest family had/have a Peugeot 309 (C28), Citroën BX (mk2 fl), Xantia (mk2), C5 (DE), Saxo (mk3), C3 (FC and SC), C4 Picasso (B78), and a C3 Aircross (A88).
So, yeah... lots of French cars, especially from PSA (now Stellantis).

You might know me from other forums or from the NAC & RCC Updates page.
Rui Saraiva
All NAC, RCC, AIO & RCE updates: https://sites.google.com/view/nac-rcc
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Re: Hello from Portugal!

Unread post by Paul-R »

Hi Rui. Welcome to the forum. I recognise your name and you might recognise mine from other forums.
As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.

"Trying is the first step towards failure" ~ Homer J Simpson​
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Re: Hello from Portugal!

Unread post by wurlycorner »

Hi and welcome

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer