Megane TomTom issue

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Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by ChrisRobin »

The Carminat top of dash Tom tom in my 2011 CC did the dance of death on Saturday flashing all sort of colours at me, then lines down the screen then death, to be fair I think it has been dying for about a year it had 3 thin coloured lines bottom of screen and sometimes it would look like it was all blurred, switch car off and back on it is ok, although the thin lines became a permanent fixture, so half expecting something to happen, I was hoping it would be after I sold her as you do, but luck never was a thing for me.

Has anyone changed one of these top of dash Tom Tom units, if so will it need coding to VIN? or is it a plug n play unit.

I spent a whole £20 buying a used one, tight aren't I must be the Welsh in me. the seller said it has not been divorced from the donor car, but he also said he does not know if it needs to be it might be plug n play.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by Paul-R »

I prefer the term careful with my money.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

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I can't really advise on Renault, but Tom Tom do make the integrated systems for some later models, but hard to say on this year - however if is a factory fitted integrated unit, I suspect yes that it will be VIN coded to the vehicle - especially it's part of the telematics system - but if a separate stand alone unit, possibly not - only the dealer will be able to confirm as I can't provide parts or vehicle data for Renault.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by ChrisRobin »

No worries Mark it seems to be a grey area, I bought the unit as I got the part number off the back of the old unit, but yes it is integrated, the Tom Tom display shows you radio stations, phone connected, blue tooth, now it does not control them as such just displays information, I.E you don't tap screens on the device if I want connect a phone I have to use the radio buttons, all the radio stations are set via the radio head set the Tom Tom screen just displays the data, BUT... what has made me think this over, is the fact the sound went on the radio when tom tom went dark, yet today the screen is back although jumping around again but not black, and hey presto sound, which male me think it is integrated a bit more than I thought, but the unit is suppose to arrive by Thursday so hopefully Friday It will be in and all will be revealed.
I will keep you posted, about the angry tom tom.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by ChrisRobin »

General consensus seems to be it is just a glorified display unit with added Tom Tom, so therefore should be simply plug n play according to the Renault Master Tech over the road from me, works the same as the old HUD from the MK 2 did, all the Mk 3 had added was a Tom Tom Unit, controlled only from the joy stick by gear stick, the radio just displays information as it had no screen itself.
Last one he fitted a good couple of years ago as he can recall just worked no need for coding in.
I will update as soon as it is in, and working, or NOT!
it should be landing tomorrow sometime it seems, I will chuck it in Friday lunch whilst stuffing my face, hopefully no crumbs will be dropped into it.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by ChrisRobin »

And the answer is...........
But at least it is not flashing at me, I have radio and time but nowt else. it tells me "system not configured, Connect diag tool" Now this warning seems to correspond more to folk factory resetting them and on next start up you get this message, my Renault RTE mate tells me he does not recall coding them but that is not to say he didn't, it was a long time back since he did one of these top of dash tom tom's but I do remember him saying when I bought it years ago DO NOT Factory reset the tom tom as sometimes it sets it right back to virgin status and other times not so just don't do it, instead manually delete all the addresses from it.
When I told him what it was saying that was the 1st thing he said, you didn't factory re set? no!
So now I will have to wait and see, when he can diag it, if it can be either recoded or saved or if it is better dead then my old one, I hate stuff like this I am way to impatient I just want it working.
If I swap SD cards and turn on radio, I get Music straight away, egg timer, loading bar at bottom of screen, once gets to 100%, black screen then the message and the time comes up top right, can't make my mind up if the radio doesn't recognise it hence no radio station display or blue tooth display, but I have no Nav either which does not go through the radio yet it has time on it which is displayed via Nav signal, so that could be Nav not recognizing the joy stick either, it's only input device.
Who knows, we will see.
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Re: Megane TomTom issue

Unread post by ChrisRobin »

It needed VIN Coding and serial number of new unit, inputted on CAN 2 ????? what ever that means, so my £19.99 Carminat Tom Tom now works a treat.
Cost me 6 cans of larger.
Bargain eh!
Yet nowhere on the internet can you find that information, yet the GEN/Mk 3 has been around since 2008, I don't believe I am the only one to change one since 2008.
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