Heater Blower fuse keeps melting!

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Heater Blower fuse keeps melting!

Unread post by DomBros123 »

Morning all,

I've recently been having trouble with my heater blower fuse melting consistently... its gone through 2 and likely a 3rd on the way, but I have no choice but to sacrifice them as it's early Jan!!! Have you guys had any similar experiences and know what the problems could be? I read somewhere that it may be to do with a faulty heater resistor drawing too many volts?

Thanks all,

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Re: Heater Blower fuse keeps melting!

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

My immediate reaction is that the cause is the bearings in your heater blower motor need lubrication and the drag is making the motor inefficient and power-hungry.

The problem is that with modern heater blowers it is difficult (or impossible) to effectively lubricate the bearings and the only practical option is to replace the blower motor.

Don't be tempted to put in a bigger fuse, it will eventually cause a serious problem.
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Re: Heater Blower fuse keeps melting!

Unread post by DomBros123 »

If it could be the heater blower itself, there would be a distinct grinding sound from the bearing right? Worth having a look at though for sure. I may just replace the whole system (being fusebox as it's damaged from the melting, heater resistor and the blower). Is this a common issue for these Co's?
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Re: Heater Blower fuse keeps melting!

Unread post by wheeler »

Ideally you want to check that it turns freely by hand, Also is the pollen filter clear?