ES9J4 Main Rod Berings

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ES9J4 Main Rod Berings

Unread post by MOW68 »

Hello i need bearings to my Citroen Xantia Activa v6.
Does anyone here know where I can buy these bearings for my V6 engine??
with kind regards, Mats Waara
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Joined: 13 Oct 2020, 01:11
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Re: ES9J4 Main Rod Berings

Unread post by ozvtr »

Rod bearings, main bearings or rod and main bearings?
The real question is whether the journals on the crank are damaged, under sized, standard or over sized?
If you are serious, you will get a machine shop to measure the crank journals against spec and supply bearings with the correct clearances.
Then you would "plastigauge" them to double check the clearances during assembly.
This is a super-critical part of engine assembly and not to be taken lightly!