SRS ECU Jumper diagnostics

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SRS ECU Jumper diagnostics

Unread post by nigelvan »

Hi guys,
I'm very new to this forum. I'm the proud owner of a Citroën Jumper 3.0 from 2007 since 2020.
Because it has an Iveco engine, I spent more time on the and there's isn't much on the vehicle I didn't touch since I bought it. I converted it into a campervan and I discovered I like working on cars and when abroad it's always good to be able to fix some things yourself.

At one point I was able to use MultiEcuScan to connect to the ECU and figure out an issue with the high speed fan... But unfortunately it only connected to the engine ECU and nothing else, or so I thought. I can't get it to work anymore so I decided to order a Lexia3 unit from the far east and do it the Citroën way. I only found out about the 'full chip' thing a few days ago after ordering and I doubt the unit I ordered will be that one.

Apart from that I also read you need a special adapter for Fiat-involved vehicles like mine, the Jumper III. But I actually don't know if mine is a Jumper II or III, it was build in 2006 and the first generation with the round headlights, X250. And if the adapter, if needed, will do anything in combination with the chinese Lexia OBD.
I've read a bit about MultiECUscan that works with fairly generic OBD dongles and a kit of special colour coded adapters. Seems you need the right adapter to get to the right ECU. It does mention that I can get to the SRS ECU without adapter... Seems a bit cumbersome, so I thought I went with Lexia.
Maybe someone with experience with PSA commercials can point me in the right direction. Yes, I could wait until the unit arrives and see what it does (and doesn't do) but I'd like to leave for southern europe in a few weeks so I want to inform myself a bit.
The issue I'm having it the airbag warning went on while driving. I'm driving with a 2ohm resistor in one of the pre-tensioner connections since I switched the passenger seat for a single seat, but that's already a few weeks ago so unsure if related.
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Re: SRS ECU Jumper diagnostics

Unread post by wheeler »

The changeover from the II to the III was 2006/07.
Easy way to tell, if its a Jumper II the main battery will be under the bonnet, if its a Jumper III the battery will be in the cab under the floor.
The Fiat adapter is not needed for all ECU's, if you connect it without the adapter it will connect to some ECU's cant remember which ones though.
I have always found it bizzare that the dealer tool needs an adapter but pretty much every other half decent aftermarket scan tool will read everything on the same basic lead.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2024, 09:58

Re: SRS ECU Jumper diagnostics

Unread post by nigelvan »

Thanks! Yes, it's a Jumper III then, battery under the floor. In Diagbox it's also noted as Jumper III so that settles it.
Yeah I thought going with the 'official' way would be best but now I'm actually considering (if it doesn't work with the chinese Lexia) to with MultiEcuScan.
They note you need the 'green' adapter, MultiEcuScan offers a kit with different colour coded cables, so I think the special adapter for JumperIII/Bipper etc will be quite similar to that green cable.

You're saying aftermarket scan tool: do you have any advice on an affordable tool that would work well with the Jumper? With my very generic iCar Vgate I can read the engine ECU, that's no problem. But the SRS codes don't show up as expected.