deNOx issue

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deNOx issue

Unread post by DMC23 »

Anyone know what to do about falt code P20EE (00) Depollution of the deNOx system on 2016 308 1.6 blue 120?

Before this code appeared I had some other issues
Had new UREA injector fitted two months ago after it was clogging up
Car was working fine but then got some fault codes
After fitting a new NOx sensor and DPF pressure sensor I found the CAT had corroded and become disconnected at the flexi pipe joint
Had new CAT and flexi pipe fitted and thought this is why NOx sensor and pressure sensor showed faults but they may not have been broken and didn't need replacing, they just were not picking up exhaust gas flows due to the disconnect
I'm now getting a completely new fault code P20EE (00) and don't know why
Car drives fine and the live data doesn't appear to show the DPF as being blocked
Do I need a software update?
Would a BSI reset help?

Running out of ideas
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by RichardW »

You need to check in the live data to see what the ADBlue pressures are doing, what the level in the tank says, what the NOx levels are. These systems are a bit finickity to say the least...
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

If the engine management warning lamp is on with this fault code, then the deNOx system has to be reinitialised in the engine management ECU.
If this fault occurs without the EML on, then the engine ECU software needs downloading.
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by DMC23 »

Hi Richard

I have some of that live data below that I took this morning from my Autel 200
I'm no mechanic so not sure about all the values

DeNOx system 1

0 Engine speed 2163 rpm
1 engine coolant temperature 67 °C
2 Urea heated pipe heating power 0 %
3 Pressure of the urea fluid 4.000 bar
4 Operating status of the deNOx system Urea gauge-pump module stopped
5 Estimate of the thermal ageing of the deNOx catalytic converter 99.89930
6 Temperature of the deNOx catalytic converter 100 °C
7 Reference value for the quantity of urea fluid to be injected 0 mg/s
8 deNOx system bleed status Waiting
9 Volume of urea fluid measured in the urea reservoir volume of urea solution more than 6,1 litres L
10 DeNOx catalytic converter urea load 0 g
11 Quantity of urea solution injected 0 mg/stroke

DeNOx system 2

0 Engine speed 2161 rpm
1 engine coolant temperature 73 °C
2 Urea reservoir heating power 0 %
3 Temperature of the urea fluid in the urea reservoir 8 °C
4 Distance remaining before filling the urea reservoir 5000 Km
5 Authorisation of injection of the urea fluid based on the pressure No
6 Authorisation of injection of the urea fluid based on the temperature Injection authorised
7 Volume of urea fluid remaining in the urea reservoir volume of urea solution more than 10 litres L
8 NOx content downstream of the deNOx catalytic converter 20 ppm
9 NOx content upstream of the deNOx catalytic converter 0 ppm
10 Flow of exhaust gas estimated by the NOx sensor 73200 l/h
11 Pressure of the exhaust gas estimated by the NOx sensor 1.0 bar
12 NOx sensor heating control Heating not activated
13 Temperature of the exhaust gas upstream of the pre-catalyst 124 °C
14 Temperature of the exhaust gas downstream of the pre-catalyst 124 °C

Exhaust Line 1

0 Engine speed 1444 rpm
1 Particle filter regeneration statusParticle filter regeneration Non requested
2 Authorisation of regeneration Particle filter regeneration Authorised
3 Total weight of soot in the particle filter 5.570 g
4 Total weight of additive deposited in the particle filter 26 g
5 Rate of clogging of the particle filter with cinders 28 %
6 Estimate of the thermal ageing of the particle emission filter 0 %
7 Amount of additive in the additive tank 392 ml
8 additive reservoir volume 1050 ml
9 Short term regeneration capacity 52 %
10 Long term regeneration capacity 20 %
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by DMC23 »

GiveMeABreak wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 14:59 If the engine management warning lamp is on with this fault code, then the deNOx system has to be reinitialised in the engine management ECU.
If this fault occurs without the EML on, then the engine ECU software needs downloading.

Yes the engine warning light comes on first just before the warning for UREA emissions control fault

I've change the CAT, NOx sensor, DPF pressure sensor and Peugeot fitted the new UREA injector a couple of months ago
Only thing I've not changed is the DPF but from the live data I've seen it doesn't appear to be blocked
Car drives fine, no black smoke, no rough engine, fuel consumption appears normal, just have these pesky warnings
I'm hoping its a software thing
My Autel 200 doesn't give me the option to reinitialise the deNOx system. I did read that somewhere, how do I do it?
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by RichardW »

5 Estimate of the thermal ageing of the deNOx catalytic converter 99.89930

That jumps out to me... like the DPF it seems to have a pre-programmed life of the SCR catalyst. I don't know if this stops the injection, nor if it can be told it's been replaced and it will go on happy, like you can do with the DPF....
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by DMC23 »

RichardW wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 16:09 5 Estimate of the thermal ageing of the deNOx catalytic converter 99.89930

That jumps out to me... like the DPF it seems to have a pre-programmed life of the SCR catalyst. I don't know if this stops the injection, nor if it can be told it's been replaced and it will go on happy, like you can do with the DPF....

With that being an almost 100% figure I was assuming that reading referred to the brand new Catalytic convertor I've had fitted and over time will reduce in percentage with age

If I'm mistaken and that reading refers to the SCR catalyst being at 100% (i.e. full capacity) then as far as I know the SCR catalyst and DPF are contained within the same unit and this is the only thing in the exhaust system I haven't replaced yet

I believe that this is the part ... results=45

With the soot content figures in the DPF appearing to be low and the car driving fine as was assuming that the SCR/DPF were working fine

Not sure what to do next, don't fancy risking another £400 on a new DPF/SCR yet and the problem persists

I may try finding someone who's diagnostic tool can reinitialise the deNOx system to see what that does as my fairly cheap Autel 200 doesn't have the function
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Closed egr ?
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by DMC23 »

Huskyxantia wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 17:46 Closed egr ?
If it was that I’d have thought the car would run rough and I’d be seeing a different fault code, I may be wrong though

Car seems to run fine
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by RichardW »

It says 0% ageing of the DPF, which suggests 100 is spent. Did they tell it they had put a new SCR in, or just DPF?
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

DMC23 wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 21:05
Huskyxantia wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 17:46 Closed egr ?
If it was that I’d have thought the car would run rough and I’d be seeing a different fault code, I may be wrong though

Car seems to run fine
Might be worth checking the egr with a diagnostic on a wave line to see what its doing, i went to view a car yesterday and boy was i glad i took my unit it gave me all i needed to know in 15 mins , the car ran brilliant, the diagnostic tool dug deeper and showed what was going on , egr was closed ,engine was getting to hot to quick and there was back pressure in the coolant tank , so i walked away.
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Plus a failing cat can cause all sorts of issues.
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Upset »

I have a Peugeot 3008 (2018) with same recurring issue. I know keep a 'Mucar CDE900' tool in the car to clear faults and reinitialize DPF and Nox sensor. This tool is the cheapesr that I could find, that can do this (after purchasing some expansions).

The car has 117.000km and estimate of the thermal ageing of the denix catalytic converter is at 7.06%. Its the second time im looking at this value in about 2 weeks and before it was 8.04%.

We run the car with premium diesel most of the time, so not sure if our catalytic converter is at this low number because of that, or of its counting towards 0% as it ages?
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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Harrythephot »

Thanks Upset.
Good to know about the Mucar CDE900pro.
I've been asking many manufacturers about their capability to do resets, new parts, reinitialisations etc with PSA cars and I just get a "no it can't do that".
They give no specifics and no reference to the models I've asked about.

Thinkcar / Mucar just wrote - "Hi there, As confirmed by the technical team, our equipment does not support your vehicle to perform this function. Thanks."

Regarding the extras for the Mucar.
I can get one manufacturer all in for $59, which I guess does diagnostics for that one car as well?

The others are a little confusing.
$99 for all diagnostics, but presumably no resets
$79 for all resets, but presumably no diagnostics.

Which options did you go for?

Can you tell me if it gives the options to
reset/ reinitialise Nox, Adblue, Eolys?
Installation of new parts to Nox DPF, adblue, eolys pouch - tank - pump?

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Re: deNOx issue

Unread post by Harrythephot »

Don't know if this helps