DMF or not

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Peter Palmer
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Joined: 01 Dec 2018, 15:00
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DMF or not

Unread post by Peter Palmer »

I've got another question about my van, now I've got it running right I might do a clutch in it. There is a definite rattle coming from the front and it sounds like a noisy dual mass flywheel to me but there are plenty of kits on ebay that only have a solid flywheel. I want to order the bits before I take it to bits so its not sat on stands for weeks on my drive but if the flywheel is solid then there is no need to order a new one, it could be the thrust bearing noisy for all I know.

So is there an easy way to find out. 2015 1.6 hdi 8V

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Re: DMF or not

Unread post by RichardW »

Looks to be solid flywheel on that one.
Richard W
Peter Palmer
Donor 2023
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Joined: 01 Dec 2018, 15:00
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Re: DMF or not

Unread post by Peter Palmer »

That's what I'm thinking but I thought everything had DMF's now, even my 02 Mondeo had one when I did a clutch in that years ago.