Tyre pressure reset

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Tyre pressure reset

Unread post by trebor968432 »


I have a Citroen Dispatch Combi mk2 2015 (64 plate).

My low tyre pressure waring light is on, as I know my o/s rear tyre has become low.
How do I reset the sysyem?

I don't have a screen, or a reset button. I just have the radio menu
(Guessing the Navidrive system is with the screen)?

If I go into the radio menu, it give me these only:Display adjust, Units, Languages and
Options. If I press on Options, I get Diagnosis/Consult/Abandon. If I press on Diagnosis, it
just runs through what is set/not set on the vehicle (Child locks active etc.), and tells me
that the o/s rear tyre is low. It just flashes through, and doesn't allow me to change anything.
If I press on Consult, it just takes me back to Diagnosis. If I press on Abandon, it just takes
me back to Menu.

I get no other options at all, that I can see.

I'm hoping someone has this model, or maybe the Expert of the same year.
Any guideance would be much appreciated.

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Re: Tyre pressure reset

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

If you have a later dispatch, these were still fitted with actual sensors on the valves - so this will be a 'direct' TPMS system, as opposed to an 'indirect' one where there are no pressure sensors in the valves. Only the indirect systems without valves need to be reset when the tyres are inflated. The warning light on the direct system likely fitted to your vehicle will go out when the tyres are correctly inflated. If not, then there is likely to be a problem with the sensor of the system.

Pop your VIN up and I'll double check which system you have.
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