We never saw who it was as I only noticed it at the next stop at the farm shop sometime later as I was loading a sack of spuds via the rear door. To say I went ballistic is an understatement and suspect it was done at Aldi. Somebody obviously incompetent at bay parking and who legged it quite quickly once they realised what they had done as we were not in there very long and there was nobody else parked on this side when I returned.
I know this because on the other side of the car there was a not so spritely chap in his 80s or 90s by the looks of him packing his shopping into his boot, with his trolley leaning against my other rear wing!

So went to Morrisons car wash (which I never do as I hate those roller washers) and paid £8 for a useless wash just to see the damage more clearly. Despite the daylight robbery of the car wash, it left huge areas unwashed and had I not been in a foul mood, would of gone back and created a storm. As it was I just wanted to get back home at this point.
Here are some pics of the damage, clicking on the images will provide a much larger view.
I left there none too impressed and got home to start the insurance process rolling.
As these are Diamond Cut alloys, they need re-milling on a special lathe, and as there are multiple scratches and a chunk scraped off on one edge, I just hope that it has made a huge score in the other person's vehicle as karma.
So a new Alloy is about £220 so that's on 7-10 day back order with the insurance company, so the car is booked in a week Wednesday, otherwise it would of been this week.
The scratches are quite deep and the rear door goes into a raised shape seen in the second picture, so this has scuffed the raised area badly. They are quite deep scratches, so I guess they hit the wheel, scraped along as they were levelling out and continued all the way down the door.
I'm just so done with these narrow car park bays and can see why people deliberately park down the centre line taking up 2 spaces - they want space and to protect their cars!

I think I may equip the Chili Hornet with some suitable new upgrades when she's back from the repair shop:
My friends tend to shop in the evenings and so I think we may give this a go where there's less going on and more room.