Citron C2 1.1 2006

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Monty DIY
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 Feb 2021, 15:18

Citron C2 1.1 2006

Unread post by Monty DIY »

I have just replaced the clutch assembly and the thrust bearing sleeve (fits over the driveshaft) with LUK design.
1. The clutch paddle feels very spongy. I have bled the slave cylinder few times by pressing the clutch paddle, but it still spongy. When I took the slave cylinder off during the clutch replacement, the plunger must have come off as there was fluid in the rubber boot. I pushed the plunger back during refitting the clutch. I might have let some air in. What is the best way to bleed the clutch slave cylinder?
2. When I disconnected the electrical plugs behind the battery, from top of the gearbox and from the flywheel sensor, there were two safety pins securing the plugs. One pin was fitted to an RH side plug behind the battery area and the other pin I can not remember from which plug it came off. Can anyone help to locate where this pin should go?
3. The battery was taken off the car for 4 days during clutch replacement. The car starts okay but is not retaining any charge. The green bubble on the top of the battery can not be seen now (it was there when I removed the battery). I have fitted everything correctly and not sure why the battery is not holding the charge? I am currently charging the battery. Any advice.