Slightly odd question

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Slightly odd question

Unread post by doctle »

Hi guys, another little project I'm working on requires a grooved pulley (expensive) or an old power steering pump grooved pulley (cheap) What I'm trying to find out is if a power steering pulley is made of steel, iron, aluminium etc. I have electric power steering so I can't check the 207. I need a steel one that I can weld to a nut so if anyone knows of a steel pulley please reply. I'll post a photo of the finished article if I get it to work. Many thanks
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Steve Walsh
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Re: Slightly odd question

Unread post by Steve Walsh »

Seen quite a lot of pressed steel ones, A quick wander round a scrap yard with a magnet and you will find one
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Re: Slightly odd question

Unread post by doctle »

Not really an option in Ireland Steve your ingress stops at the counter. Heaven forbid someone might steal a fuse or even worse a bulb. It's all dressed up as health and safety of course
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Re: Slightly odd question

Unread post by ksanturion10 »

I think the hydraulic pump pulley of a Xantia X1 is something like a turned cast steel. Don't think it is made from cast iron, as it is one piece, and haven't seen a V (or polyV) - belts over a cast iron V-grooves. So, despite most of the steel nuts have a bunch of additional elements like S, Pb, Mn and others, that could be true also for the cast steel (maybe) pulley. Grind off to bare steel both pulley and nut, heat them, as well and the electrode, prior to welding, and dztt, dztt ;).

P.S.: there are DIN 929 welding nuts, and also the electrode should be a close match to the welded materials.

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