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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Peter.N. »

I think I saw an original "F' the first one they made, looks like a small PA Cresta. Had the exhaust pipe coming through the a hole in the bumper originally, then moved it underneath because it was taking the chrome off.

I nearly bought a Victor 101, first car I considered buying new, it was an estate with 'Ambla' seat material, very soft, first car with curved side windows I believe. I think it was about 600 pounds, eventually decided we couldn't afford it.

I had the Cresta's and Velox's from the 'E' model 1955 to a PA of 1960 - lovely cars. All my cars for about the first ten years of driving were column change and bench seats - except the first, a 1939 Ford Prefect. Sooo easy to repair.

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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Just had another look to get the timing of the Aston I mentioned as no one has commented on it, I think it's a DB5 on review. You will find it coming towards us as the TB goes away at 6 min 48 seconds. Or does everyone prefer Vauxhalls to Astons? :-D
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by NewcastleFalcon »

mickthemaverick wrote: 12 Jan 2020, 08:36 Or does everyone prefer Vauxhalls to Astons? :-D
For me I would have to say yes. My head rarely gets turned by an Aston Martin. Many I do see are in pretty dull colours like grey. Now if I ever pass a two tone Cresta I would do a u-turn or a quick reverse, get out and take a photo. :-D

Saying that I do have a great affection for my battered Goldfinger Aston Martin toy car.

REgards Neil
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by van ordinaire »

I didn't know the 101 was an FC - although the next one (that inspired the Mk3 Cortina but was much better looking) was an FD so it figures. None of them rusted like the original "F" though - even the roof!

As for that Triumph I immediately thought "2000" BUT, there is something odd about the inner pair of headlights.

As for PC Crestas being quick, "the General" had plans to offer a V8, now that would've moved - but not like the 5 litre Firenza that Holden offered!
'81 2CV Club :cry:
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by white exec »

There was a Ventora, too, iirc. The 3.3L 'six' in a smaller body than the Cresta PC, an FD Victor.
Vauxhall did like putting large engines in lightweight bodies.
Vaushall Ventora.JPG
An uncle of mine had one of these, manual 'box, and travelled thousands of business miles in it for the Home Office/Department of the Environment, carrying out a survey of the UK's water resources - in possible preparation for a "national grid for water", using Britain's canal network (then state owned, by British Waterways) for much of the distribution. Another opportunity missed...!
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Paul-R »

white exec wrote: 12 Jan 2020, 21:28There was a Ventora, too, iirc. The 3.3L 'six' in a smaller body than the Cresta PC, an FD Victor.
That version of the Cresta was basically the FD Victor.

My father didn't buy an FD Victor (estate, he always had estates) and nearly bought a Cortina but then the FE Victor came out and he went for one of those. He had another two of the FE Victors after that although, strictly speaking, the final one was a VX2300 Transcontinental. And automatic to boot. I took the car over from him when he moved away from Vauxhall to Mazda.

Now that knew how to gulp fuel down. 23/24mpg was the norm and I could coax it up to about 26/28mpg on a run. I fitted a tow bar to it and took a caravan down to France. That pushed the consumption down to 16mpg. I didn't even make it to Dover before I had to refuel!
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by NewcastleFalcon »

For anyone with the remotest interest in Vauxhalls, particularly from 50's. 60's and 70's there is no more comprehensive site than this.

Vast stock of original Brochures, works of art in themselves, both in the writing and the pictures. The brochure is becoming an endangered species these days. Many of the automakers don't bother anymore....all on line of course no point using printer ink, and compiling and distributing glossy brochures to tempt customers.

Not that user friendly a navigate. The detail links are page down or two. For eg heres the brochures for the vauxhall fd-94000---victor-vx490-ventora ... road-tests
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by NewcastleFalcon »

The new ones can have jolly liveries too...and they can go off piste with battery power when they are off the wires.

Plenty new trolley bus info here including UK schemes


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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Peter.N. »

That's huge, looks as though its stuck together with gaffer tape though. :wink:

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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

Talking about the Triumph 2000 Mk1 this week "Antiques Road Trip" has them driving around in such a beastie!
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Peter.N. wrote: 13 Jan 2020, 13:38 That's huge, looks as though its stuck together with gaffer tape though. :wink:

Don't be silly Peter, that's premium quality Gorilla Tape!! :-D
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

I thought it was a toy Transformers bus for a giant child. A bendy bus that transforms into a concertina!
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I thought it was a diesel bus that had been hit up the ass by a trolley bus. :)
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by NewcastleFalcon »

Some discussion today on Beeching.......on the back of a £500 million announcement on re-opening/reinstating some routes axed in the Beeching cuts.

Very nearly texted into Jeremy Vine, but just pointlessly joined in with my usual shouting at the radio.

Of course the level of investment is drop in he ocean, and only select schemes will get the benefit. Everyone will want their little patch to benefit, and linking up Ashington and Blyth and Morpeth where there is existing track could well be at the front of the queue

Regards Neil
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Re: Public Transport

Unread post by white exec »

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