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Take a look here.

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I didn't know this company existed in my area, just came across it by accident.

There's an awful lot of stuff on the site, click on the Parts and Tech button and scroll down the left to choose a topic.

Useful, maybe.

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van ordinaire
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Re: Take a look here.

Unread post by van ordinaire »

The family firm with 150 employees - oh really?

No matter, what (&, indeed, where) is this "Parts and Tech button" of which you speak?
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Re: Take a look here.

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Scroll down and click on the right hand square with 'parts info' it brings up a page with lots of links on the left, many videos.

I only spent a few minutes on there yesterday when I dropped on the site but it looked interesting.

I don't know the company or what they actually do but it's only a couple of miles from me next to a big Jewsons who I have to call on sometime soon so I might pop in and see.
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Re: Take a look here.

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Having taken a closer look it's just another motor factor supplying the trade with a fleet of vans like GMF and the Parts alliance lot but their website has more info than most.
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Re: Take a look here.

Unread post by van ordinaire »

Yeah, found it now - thanks - but not really in the mood for "elearning" just now ;)
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