Blue Badge holder exemptions

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Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by old'uns »

as we are about to apply for another Blue Badge exemption i thought i'd pass them on.........even if you don't use them often hopefully some of yoiu can save a bit and stick it to de Man :)

Not everyone is aware but free Road Fund Licence is available for main vehicle, possibly also if you can prove your car is main one used by Badge holder?.......V6 HDi anyone :-D
Dartford Crossing is free if your vehicle's V5 is classed as Disabled, i think you can check on the website?

I already have an M6Toll tag for work and the Cmax is on it but OH found out if you're in possesssion of the usual allowances you can apply for a Pass, you have to use the Toll booth lanes not the Tag lanes, well unless you want to annoy us smarmy Tag holders as you have to show the Pass
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by CitroJim »

Good :) Being disabled is enough to be putting up with and these exemptions are fully justified as some form of compensation...

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

You do have to be careful how you use the blue badge though, the parking police love to ticket you for any errors.
My old pal was dying, I used to take him and his wife out shopping and to his many hospital visits using his card for the free parking.

On one occasion at Abergavenny we came back to find the car ticketed, he'd put his card face down on the dash instead of face up, it took weeks to get the penalty dropped.

On another occasion, he was in his final days, his appointment at Gloucester Royal hospital was changed to Cheltenham General, I drove him in and helped him into the department, on our return we had a ticket, couldn't think why, after making enquiries I was told that free parking for disabled was only available in dedicated disabled parking bays.

This one was very difficult to resolve, they sent photos of the car and of the parking notices which were actually a long list of small print on the entry to the car park, not the sort of thing you would stop and read in our circumstances.

I appealed to the company explaining the situation, got a "Tough pay the fine." reply, tried again got the same reply so contacted our local MP, he sorted it but only got a "Goodwill gesture, don't let it happen again." response by which time my pal had passed away.
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by CitroJim »

Gibbo, that's disgusting :evil:

There is much I could say but if I do I will infringe forum rules...

And to someone who was dying too. Totally and utterly unforgivable.

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

Jim, I can understand your feelings, but there are those who abuse the Blue Badge privileges, and then the Councils have to try and deal with them. Nowadays it is easier (although not friendlier) for the Councils to bite, and then have to clean up the mess afterwards.
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by CitroJim »

Regrettably, I think you are right James. A situation that makes me even sadder if truth be told :(

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by van ordinaire »

Or do as Torbay Council do - & not recognise blue badges at all in their car parks! Then again, this is where anyone can park on SOME double yellow lines - from September to April.

A word of caution when using a blue badge, they won't protect you from being done for obstruction: a tricky one that - as, technically, all parking constitutes obstruction.

Finally, blue badges abroad: I remember asking in a small French town about their use & was told we could park anywhere - just like the locals then!
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by daviemck2006 »

I have had two arguements with two police officers about blue badge parking. The blue badge laws are different in Scotland from the rest of the uk. I have, issued by the scottish executive, a booklet containing the conditions of use of a blue badge. This is the law. When a copper told me to move from double yellows, I asked him if he had ever seen said book. He admitted he had not. I then asked him how he knew the law. He said I could not park on double yellows, I had to park in the disabled space approx 300m along the street. This gives rise to two scenarios. What if it is already occupied? What if the blue badge holder cannot walk that 300m, go into the shop and get what he needs then walk the 300m back to the car carrying his stuff. On a bad day i cant walk 50m beside 600m. What gives anyone the right to decide how disabled a disabled person is? I actually went to the po,ice station to comp,ain to the duty seargent about this. The seargent proceeded to be very rude to me including swearing at me. Now swearing does not bother me, i can use every profanity known to mankind along with the best of them, but thats beside the point. A seargent on duty should not be swearing to a member of the public complaining about a constable. So I took this farther, to the police complaints division. I got an inspector came to see me, he had not seen the booklet I have, but after reading it he admitted that the rules the police use are as implied in the booklet, and I can park on double yellows without restriction of time as long as I am not causing an obstruction, which is open to interpretation. However he said as long as it wasnt on a blind corner, a blind hump or at a traffic island they accept blue badge holders parking anywhere else. I got a verbal apology from said inspector, and the constable concerned and the seargent concerned have both been reprimanded, and moved to other areas. Some councils try to adapt blue badge laws, but this inspector says the po,ice in scotland do follow the rules. So therfore I said to him if a copper tells me to move the car, i will take photos of where it is, refuse to move it and the copper can issue me a ticket. I will then go to court where my innocence will be proved. He said if you feel thats what you need to do then so be it, and he said I probably be admonished, no case to answer. Then I said, ok then, if tnat happens, every paper, radio news and television news reporter will be invited by myself to attend court that day to see how po,ice scotland are discriminating against disabled drivers. The inspector said there wont be a need for that. I agreed with him, there wont be a need for that if you educate your coppers on the subject. Funnily enough since then i have had no problems with parking on the same place outside the shop i work in since.
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by Peter.N. »

Interesting that, sometimes takes someone to take a stand. We go to the far north of Scotland every year but all the parking is free where we go and you can park pretty well anywhere. I don't have a blue badge yet but may well need one in the future.

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by van ordinaire »

Blue badges were introduced to comply with the appropriate EU directive (we had orange ones + our own rules & regulations before that) - so how can the Scottish law be different?
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

van ordinaire wrote: 24 Aug 2017, 02:31 Blue badges were introduced to comply with the appropriate EU directive (we had orange ones + our own rules & regulations before that) - so how can the Scottish law be different?

Interpretation? All EU governments interpret and enforce the law to suit their own needs. :shock:
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by CitroJim »

Gibbo2286 wrote: 24 Aug 2017, 08:53
van ordinaire wrote: 24 Aug 2017, 02:31 Blue badges were introduced to comply with the appropriate EU directive (we had orange ones + our own rules & regulations before that) - so how can the Scottish law be different?

Interpretation? All EU governments interpret and enforce the law to suit their own needs. :shock:

Yes, correct in the vast majority of cases... Makes a complete mockery of it really...

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by Peter.N. »

I agree, an old school friend worked for the MOD for many years and it appears that many of the 'directives' from the EU were merely suggestions.

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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by daviemck2006 »

Its that in England at least, I dont know about Wales and Northern Ireland, there is a limit of 3 hours, and you have to place a set time clock of when you parked on the dash along with the blue badge. The Scottish Government removed this restriction and a blue badge holder does not have to display this time clock and can park for as long as he likes. This is about the only change I can see in the booklet of conditions I can see. I was issued with a clock to use when I am in England. So England probably gives the minimum recommended, whilst Scotland gives more concessions than recommended. I will now shut up as I will get political which starts wars and this is not the right place.
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Re: Blue Badge holder exemptions

Unread post by crapday69 »

You go to Spain and France (and probably a lot of other countries) and they seem to do what they like with some EU laws that are enforced in the UK.

For a start, yes to can get fake gear at markets but in Spanish coastal towns, all the shops seem to sell fake gear. Then there was France refusing our meat, god forbid we done that to them, they'd start burning sheep at the Ports. Thats one reason I'm glad of brexit.

My wife has a blue badge, not had any problems parking apart from the looks of some idiots that think she looks able (she has MS). I was in a car park in Kirkcaldy in Fife, easy cast of Scotland and the shopping centre never had any disabled parking spaces which I thing is despicable. We where told that blue badge holder can park in parent and child spaces if no disabled spaces are left.
