C5 2.2 HDI Mk1 Definitive Diesel Additive Low Level Warning Solution

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C5 2.2 HDI Mk1 Definitive Diesel Additive Low Level Warning Solution

Unread post by howardaskew »

My wife's 2.2HDI C5 Mk1 2004 Exclusive Automatic gave the diesel additive warning a few thousand miles before 100k.
We continued to drive it for well over a thousand miles before I finally tackled it. I was armed with a Eolys refill kit and 1 litre of Eolys 176 (green).

You read posts that suggest that the Eolys additive is not being added as soon as this low level is reached. I can say and have taken photographic proof.

Firstly I tried to refill the Eolys Tank by removing the overflow/refill plug and refilling the tank with a 1 litre bottle with a clear tube attached.
The plug unscrews by hand and note the green label on it that signifies Eolys 176. Here is a picture Image

I only managed to get less than 200ml before it started to overflow. ????? I thought. So replaced the filler cap and got out my Lexia 3.

Here is proof that the car had regenerated during the previous 500km. Not proof that the Eolys was being added but the car was regenerated still and there was no FAP fault. Image

The Lexia 3 identified the low level of Eolys fault as P1446 Fuel additive low level reached.

There is no way that the ECU can identify the actual level. The warning is based on mileage. The previous image says at the bottom line " Distance Level Reached?" "yes".

With the car Eolys filled to the brim the car still had the annoying low level reached message.

How much Eolys_176 do our cars use? The Lexia 3 gives you the figures Image

Eolys_176 30,000 miles should be 42g. Just 42g. So a litre should be good for 714,285.7 miles!

I read somewhere that the car has enough Eolys_176 for the vehicles lifetime. If the tank contains 3 litres this would equate to over 2 million miles of motoring. The most miles I have achieved from a C5 was 276k when I scrapped the vehicle due to clutch failure.

So it rather looks like we are wasting our time trying to refill these tanks. So how do we reset by the Lexia 3?

Just to show what ECU our C5 has EDC15C2 Image

It says our car has only 105 grammes of additive remaining. ECU fault code P1446. Image The Lexia 3 lied about the engine speed. Image

These series of photos show the navigation of the system.
Image This says replace the additive ECU. I did not. Our RPO number is 09713 which indicates Eolys_176
At this point I have to say that I did not take these photos before I managed the reset so the next photo shows 2,111g added to the system. this was after I had reset it. But you can see the figure is in yellow that allows you to change the figure. This was 0000000 previously.
Image Notice that it states that 0107.850g of additive had been used since the last time the tank was filled.
Image Changes the amount of additive added figure. This effectively resets the ECU.

My Lexia 3 was bought on a well known online shop from a company called tools4car. The cost was 109.99p in November 2015. They are now £115. Installation of the software requires patience and no internet connection! (The internet connection must be switched off)
Here is the link
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FULL-CHIP-REV ... SwknJX1zDK

Now I have provided you a step by step with photos of the resetting of the low additive warning level it makes me want to ask the question

"Why does the warning level come up after less than 100k?"

Was it a fault at the factory or the PDI? Or has it been as a result of the actions of a rogue? It seems to affect a lot of cars.

I am pleased that I can reset this myself and if anyone lives within driving distance of Maidstone, Kent I should be able to help if they private message me.

I trust this helps.

I believe that this will still apply to all the C5s. My lexia3 shows the Mk2 and the Mk3 models.
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Re: C5 2.2 HDI Mk1 Definitive Diesel Additive Low Level Warning Solution

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Thanks for your write up on this . There is a difference between the older mark I C5 and later ones, that do not have a a separate additive ECU though, so a different procedure on these systems. Further, the later models also don't have the fuel flap sensors that used to indicate when the car is being fuelled up, that was used in the additive metering. I'm sure this will help others with the older C5s though. :wink:
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Definitive Guide on DPF/Additive/EGR/Injection etc for early C5, Peugeot406 with DW12 HDi engines

Unread post by aspire_helen »

I note the following post has been added to the Problems and Fixes Archive as some sort of definitive guide. Unfortunately, it is not.

C5 2.2 HDI Mk1 2004 Definitive Diesel Additive Low Level Warning Solution
Post by howardaskew » 07 Jan 2017, 14:18

Now that I have digested Citroen's 155page Technical Training Guide on the Bosch EDC15c2 Injection ECU as fitted to the 2.2HDi (DW12), covering both DPX42 and Eolys176, and interrogated my own 15c2 with Lexia3, I note several inaccuracies and incorrect suppositions in that post. I could correct them, one by one, but it is far better for members to read the document itself. Hence, the definitive guide should be the document below, currently available to download online free. Is this document available anywhere on the forum?

DOCUMENT REF N°: 1.6.243 August 2000

PS The photos in Howard's post are not available.
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Re: C5 2.2 HDI Mk1 Definitive Diesel Additive Low Level Warning Solution

Unread post by myglaren »

The pictures were most probably hosted on Photobucket and they imposed charges for images linked to websites. Lots of us withdrew from Photobucket then.