Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

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Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Hi Guys.

OK, the "Risk of Filter Blockage" ....fault was shown as Cap Sensor, replaced. Tested Additive

So into Lexia.....can I find the "Regen Filter" command...../ Big No.

Can any of you good people point me in the correct directory for the Regen Filter command

Thanks guys

Ps. I know many will scream "get it removed and remapped"....I will If this does not work, its just I would like the system to work if at all possible without anymore expense on it :)
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Lighty »

Never had much success with the forced regen on any Citroens, especially the 1.6 hdi. Personally I would check the pressure difference, I find that 60 mob difference is the most you can get away with, at about 2500 rpm, just revving the engine. Each time I have regenned, the pressure has been higher after. Sorry, I can't remember exactly where it is in the menu's
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Anybody know ?..............
Activa, the Moose Dodger
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Monkeyfeet »

I actually came across how this option this morning while fiddling about....with Planet (sorry) My point being don't give up, it's there - honest!
For interest whilst revving (stationary) I got 0mB at idle (800rpm), 21mB /2000rpm, 43mB /2240rpm and 149mB /3300rpm. It's hard to hold a speed to give a constant press reading, these are just from pictures of the screen I took on my 'phone.
Lastly if you're really stuck do you want me to see if I can repeat finding regen option but in Lexia?
XantiaTD's(all gone). BXGTi, sold (sob). C5 2.2Hdi SE Exc Hatch. C5 2.2 Estate auto. Xsara Hdi estate. Yam YZF750, Zoom. GSX-S750, mmm.
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Hi....lucky you....:)

I would like to know the way to find it so a BIG Yes Please

What I have is "Personal DPF service", it then says not possible with this car ! I am sure it the wrong place I'm looking....that is IF you can do a Regen on a 55 plate 1.6 HDI.
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Monkeyfeet »

Well I haven't had chance to connect to the C5 yet, but I have had a go on the Peugeot with Planet. Now, Plant and Lexia seem very similar in terms of menu structures / access to options etc so I'm pretty sure this will help:

ECU Config's and Services Menu
Test by Function / 00 General Group / Diagnostic socket / Engine ECU /After sales particulate emission filter repair operation.
Two options shown next - Particle filter regen (forced, stationary or moving)
- Additive ECU
Hopefully that will do it, my only problem on the C5 is that I've removed and disabled the FAP. Probably still get most of the menu options though.
Please back post on how you get on :)
XantiaTD's(all gone). BXGTi, sold (sob). C5 2.2Hdi SE Exc Hatch. C5 2.2 Estate auto. Xsara Hdi estate. Yam YZF750, Zoom. GSX-S750, mmm.
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Thanks VERY much for that, got next weekend free so will let you know....again many thanks for your efforts.
Activa, the Moose Dodger
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Re: Forced Regen, Lexia ? where is it

Unread post by Monkeyfeet »

No worries, just hope that the Planet advice does actually hold good for Lexia too!
And yes, please post on how you get on :)
XantiaTD's(all gone). BXGTi, sold (sob). C5 2.2Hdi SE Exc Hatch. C5 2.2 Estate auto. Xsara Hdi estate. Yam YZF750, Zoom. GSX-S750, mmm.