C5 - can Lexia tell me which parking sensors are not working

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C5 - can Lexia tell me which parking sensors are not working

Unread post by hamster99 »

I am getting an error telling me my parking assistance is not working properly.

If I hook it up to a lexia will it tell me which of the sensors is defective?

Also, i have a number of spare sensors. Is there a way of telling if they are working, eg measuring resistance or something across the contacts.


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Re: C5 - can Lexia tell me which parking sensors are not wor

Unread post by tripletdad333 »

hi,yep should tell you which ones faulty it did when i used it ,told me was inner right sensor failed(ps i have some spare and the loom if you need any)
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Re: C5 - can Lexia tell me which parking sensors are not wor

Unread post by wheeler »

Probably easier to unplug each of them & have a look at the terminals, they usually fail due to water ingress & normally very obvious which one it is.

Re: C5 - can Lexia tell me which parking sensors are not wor

Unread post by Northern_Mike »

Yes it will tell you. It's a 5 min job to check.

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