Traditionally, I have always been a great fan of white spirit as a cheap and safe degreaser of all things. I used to use it with gay abandon and whilst not liking the aroma of the stuff much, it never seemed to do me any harm.
Starting with my house being redecorated, I found the vapours released from the newly applied oil-based paint to be absolutely intolerable and it really did make me feel unwell. I've had to have windows and doors open wide since and the vapours still linger and make me feel rough. It gives me something akin to asthma with bad sinuses, a headache and disturbed vision.
I thought it was just the paint but now I'm starting to wonder. Yesterday I was busy degreasing a diesel pump with white spirit and came over feeling really ropey despite doing the deed in a well ventilated area. Pervious to starting the job I was feeling very well.
Same happend again this morning when I caught a whiff of a white spirit soaked rag whilst putting the bins out.
Came to work and we have the decorators in. Caught more whiffs of the white spirit and same effects again.
This is not a new thing, it's no been going on for several weeks.
I'm finding white spirit everywhere I look just now.
I seem to have become really sensitive to it just recently. Anyone got any explanations to this?
I've read up on it and white spirit is seen as a reatively safe and harmless solvent although they do say that painters will likely suffer permanant brain damage after a lifetime of the stuff.
Given that I do have a problem with it, can anyone recommend a good, safe substitute degreasing solvent that is not water-based and is not too expensive.
If I can't find one, it's going to seriously restrict my spannering activities...