Last Saturday, I took Cassy down to London to pick Netta up after Pesach.
On the way home, we popped into Tescos to do a bit of shopping.
Now Cassy's aux belt had been sounding a bit flappy and I was due to look at it last Sunday. Her timing sounded out slightly too.
As we pulled into a parking bay there was a thunk and the steering went heavy.
We phoned the AA, went and did our shopping, and 2 hours later one of the local garages towed us home.
Looking the next day, the belt had jumped off, and both edges were seriously split. It had looked fine when I checked it from above the week before.
Thinking back Jim, was it around 2 years ago we swapped her head? That was the last time I changed the belt!
Headed in Jenny out to Eurocarparts to get a new belt, only to be told that they didn't have it in stock.
Thankfully I asked what size that belt was. 1690 I think, and there was no way it'd fit as I know the 1725 nearly does but not quite.
They looked on their system and had 1733 belts in stock, so I duly bought and fitted it.
Cassy's running a lot smoother now, so I'm guessing the disintegrating belt was causing resistance on the crank pulley and affecting the timing slightly.
I also replaced the two easy glow plugs on Jenny with Bosch ones, will replace the other two once Halfrauds get them in stock as with a trade card they're reasonably priced.
Tested the old plugs with jump leads, and one glowed nearly all the way up, and the other didn't even smoulder, so hopefully the new ones will make an improvement to her starting, and replacing the other two will sort it completely.
PS Nearly forgot the spooky part!
When the belt snapped, I tried calling Jim incase he had a spare, but couldn't get through to his mobile.
While we were in Tescos, we turned down an isle, and who should we bump into?
Yup, Jim!
As always, a very pleasant impromptu FCF meet