I had one of these (with the gold face natch) years ago but I treated it terribly as I wore it all the time including when I was spannering and repairing cars. It's extremely collectible nowadays but I only found this out a few months ago. The gold face is very noticeable.
Although I never throw anything out, I haven't been able to find it and it'd probably cost me £500 to fix up and make it worth £400.
As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" ~ Homer J Simpson
This thread has reminded me of this nice little spoof which a good proportion of the UK population at the time drank in as fact. Well it was Anglia TV and respected presenter Tim Brinton who were coming through the airwaves in factual documentary style telling us all about "Alternative 3" which they had uncovered.
It was broadscast in June 1977, and the only concession to its ultimate fakery was on the closing credits it revealed it had been scheduled to be first broadcast on 1st April 1977.
Gripping stuff for the time
Regards Neil
PS Special Bonus.....The Worlds Most Eclectic Jukebox has just had Brian Eno's theme written for the programme added to its catalogue.
doctle wrote: 03 Jul 2019, 16:56
OK I holy my hands up, here is proof that the moon landings were faked from the most reliable source I could find, the flat earth society.
There you go, you're getting the idea. You're now well on the way to becoming a very special person; WokeAF; a leader of men and; prophet of the gods.
Tinfoil hat is in the post.
It entitles you to belate those who disagree with you by calling them sheep/performing seals in order to ward off any call to debate/argue facts.
Trust your emotions over logic, join the dots that only you can see and always assume correlation equates to causation.
Why would anyone rant and rave so much if it was just some insane 'conspicacy theory'....the word conspiracy is not in the dictionary to pad it out, they're real, and the abundance of evidence proving they never landed on the moon is too, all of which is ignored by fools, 'assets', and trolls. Their modus operandi is to ignore all facts and play the man. Such people then bring in all sorts of distractions, false analogies, other equally unlikely conspiratorial events in the misguided belief that it bolsters their disengenuous position. It doesn't, instead it shows them up for what they are. This is an old game now, those practices are circa 1967 and straight out of a CIA textbook post JFK which itself of course had nothing to do with LHO.
I notice nobody commented on the video analyses posted, nobody ranting and raving dares address the facts and the abundant evidence there alone, instead someone who may have made an innocent mistake is picked on as a school bully does.
They NEVER left Earth's orbit, maybe even never left the ground, and the hundreds of controllers monitoring the show wouldn't have been any the wiser. I know that because I've done the work, most people have not, they skim at best, then walk off and play at something else. I wasn't in the Book Depository just as as wasn't present in CC's Green Room, but through solid analysis of everything and without cherry picking evidence either way, it's as clear as day, the West were conned just like they have been right up to this present day on equally enormous criminal and murderous frauds.
The world is full of trickery and fraudsters in very high places with enough power and influence to keep those dependent under control. They also totally control MSM. And for those wondering still about Russia and China not blowing the whistle, because they would wouldn't they, the answer is perfectly logical - please see my earlier post.
Gus Grissom knew the score when testing an earlier Apollo module, a man of immense virtue and integrity, leaving a lemon hanging from the interior of said module post a failed rehearsal session saying, "How are we going to get to the moon if we can't even communicate between three buildings"? Next week, Nasa incinerated him in the module as a lesson to other 'astronauts'. No wonder Armstrong, Aldrin and Mitchell looked so miserable in their first press statement after... re-entering from the Green Room instead of being 'picked up at sea'. They were complicit in one massive fraud, they were hardly seen in public again afterwards, the shame killed them.
GiveMeABreak wrote: 04 Jul 2019, 15:35
I agree, there's been very little said about the points raised in the videos - using NASA's own footage.
If youtubes are considered acceptable standards of evidence, try this one Marc.
I don't know enough about filmaking but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of both his opening and closing statements (which themselves are also rebuttals of other mud-slinging in this thread).
.... Couldn't fake it in a TV studio? So 2001 a Space Odyssey was just a figment of our imagination then I suppose.
It is suggested that a lot of the moon landing backdrops use the same front screen projection techniques and indeed, some of the evidence for the faked landings point to parts of the 'scenery' that are the same on different missions....
2001 wasn't even filmed on 35mm IIRC, Kubrick used 70mm stock. Kubrick was not a fast worker and filming took three years not including pre-production, These from Wikipedia:
Filming began December 29, 1965, in Stage H at Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, England
Filming of actors was completed in September 1967 and from June 1966 until March 1968 Kubrick spent most of his time working on the 205 special effects shots in the film.
In March 1968, Kubrick finished the 'pre-premiere' editing of the film, making his final cuts just days before the film's general release in April 1968
That's only a year and a bit before Apollo 11.
As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" ~ Homer J Simpson