Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia, pug 206HDi, Daniel's 206 Verve 1.4i, GTi180 plus XUD9TE 206!!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Not the greatest result, I will admit. However at least I feel confident that new ones will cure the antipollution fault, & I have a few ideas in mind on how to remove the tip.

White is doing well at least, and starting to clean back up well too. She drew comment from the cashier at the petrol station last night as to how clean she looks which is promising considering there's still a good bit of rubbish and oily fingerprints to get off the paint. :)
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Ok well I've ordered a long pattern M4 tap and hopefully that will give me a bite into the broken tip to pull it out.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Michel »

Gibbo2286 wrote: 11 Apr 2018, 18:11 This is the lot that gave me the best price for tyres on the C5 estate, came and fitted/balanced them and took away the rubbish all for less than my local tyre

I can't find a single online tyre supplier that can supply tyres cheaper than my local place. £48 quid for Toyos in 205/55/16 fitted all in.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Michel wrote: 18 Apr 2018, 20:17
Gibbo2286 wrote: 11 Apr 2018, 18:11 This is the lot that gave me the best price for tyres on the C5 estate, came and fitted/balanced them and took away the rubbish all for less than my local tyre

I can't find a single online tyre supplier that can supply tyres cheaper than my local place. £48 quid for Toyos in 205/55/16 fitted all in.

At the time the ones I got were Kaiser Kenda Radial, 215/55/ZR16, the guy came out, fitted and balanced them on my drive, total cost £103.98. (I hadn't taxed and MOTed it yet.)

I wasn't sure about the quality but as at the time I wasn't sure if I'd keep the car it didn't matter too much but from Halfords I figured they couldn't be totally crap.

As it is they're fine, good grip, quiet, wearability yet to be tested.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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I may have a look at some of them, thanks Eric. The Scenic needs 3 or 4 tyres on it before I can use it!
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Kenda are a well established tyre company, albeit mainly on pushbikes as I know of... I remember a lot of my bikes when I was a kid had Kenda tyres & they seemed to be decent enough just cracked up a bit as they got old. (bit like me then!).

Not sure how long they've been doing automotive rubber but I'd imagine them to know what they're about.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Not a lot to report the last couple of weeks, not had a chance to dismantle the 206 further yet but I have repaired a broken throttle cable on White (frayed through inside the springy part that prevents snap full-throttle application). Fortunately the inners etc are good and there was a solderless nipple already present. Even more fortuitous, the remaining cable was just the right length to simply "delete" the spring part & reconnect for the moment. 10M Length of Bowden cable on it's way to fully attend to that little glitch. Also replaced cam cover breather hose with a Lithuanian item which appears of good quality and perfect fit.

Otherwise, White has been performing fabulously since taking over daily duties. around 600-700miles covered so far & we have some small "presents" on order so I can do a nice fresh oil/filter change and remove the last of my grubby mitt-prints from inside and out. New IFHS rear spheres are also waiting to be fitted. Off to recover now after being kicked square in the sternum by a hefty young lamb & repeatedly bitten by a hungry goose lol :D
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by CitroJim »

Ouch! on the lamb kick and goose bites.. Geese can be remarkably aggressive and I believe can make good guard 'dogs'..

White was unusual in still having that throttle cable damper thing... Most of those died long ago and were very wisely binned - as was the damper on the pump itself - the one that looks like a little gas strut. They can be no end of bother...

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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wow it's been a full month since I was last on here? :o The Goose was surprisingly painless actually, or maybe I was just still numb on adrenaline from the lamb... The gas strut on White is present but not in best shape, I do believe it played a part in helping the emissions test though by smoothing out the acceleration of the engine.

Currently elbows deep in the 206, got a replacement/parts head to practice GP tip removal on and steal a non-pitted camshaft out of. Both heads have the same GP tip jammed in place (cylinder 2) so a bit of work to do but if I can't recover at least one good head out of the two I should sell my spanners. Just working to get the head pulled off the actual engine now, bit of a pain getting the HP pump out of the way but much easier on the back with the rad/slam panel and grille removed so I can sit on the bumper with my legs in the engine bay!

I have a sneaking suspicion that the turbo on White is not long for this world given the amount of oil she's using at the moment (mainly through the exhaust side thankfully, as we need a car on the road) so 206 needs done ASAP really.

Back to it, I say.

Oh, and I saw a gorgeous Purple 205 wearing a Dimma kit earlier. :)
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Head is off, glow plug tip out (I centre-popped the tip & carefully drilled it 3mm then 4.5mm to about 10mm deep & then used the hole as a detent to drive it out with a thin punch made from an old screwdriver shank).

There was no way it was shifting otherwise, it took a helluva beating so am glad I bit the bullet pulling the head rather than struggle. Also now been able to clean out all 4 GP holes of carbon so fingers crossed next time it needs them won't be so bad. I have a set of NOS Beru from Evans Halshaw which cost the princely sum of £28 delivered, less than a set of NGK and much more likely to last.

Everything is cleaned up and ready though now and most parts are here and checked, just waiting on some O-rings, sealant and brake cleaner before the engine can start going back together. Happy days, then I'll look into rebuilding the turbo on White.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Worked until nearly 11pm last night and now the 206 is pretty much buttoned back up, first turn of the key was about 10.48pm and after cranking for 10 seconds to purge the fuel lines/build oil pressure she burst into life and settled into running nicely and fault free (still need to run a planet session to clear the GP code, but it's gone back to a "pending" with no EML after a few startups at least).

What a palaver though over a simple glow plug failure, only plus side being that I spotted the pitted camshaft and replaced that before it became a confusing injector correction code in future. I daresay I will seriously consider removing and cleaning the GP's at service time in future to prevent a repeat performance when the time comes to replace them again. Now it's time for poor faithful White to come into the "surgery" before she suffers a runaway! She's done a great job lasting this long with huge oil consumption & the reward for this? I plan to look around at turbo options for increasing the boost slightly, freeing up the restrictive inlet throat (at least, I think that's a restriction. it surely doesn't look good going sharply down to about half the ID where the stub joins on), removing the AC condenser to facilitate larger IC, hard boost lines, fitting a pyrometer and drive pressure gauge to the exhaust side as well as internal boost control and gauge amongst other things. 8-)

Not really in my MO to be upgrading cars power-wise but the XUD is, IMHO, just begging for a little optimisation & 90BHP is nothing for a strong engine like it (the larger HDi series kind of shows this, if the BOL is to be believed and the bottom end is based from the XUD). Either way, I need to do some research but I imagine 110-130BHP on straight veg has to be possible reliably.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur »

I fear if I'd've been at it til 11pm, something would've gone amiss. Glad the whole saga's over

Was it on here I read earlier
"The Difference between a 2 hour Job and 3 Days of Misery is a Bolt that Won't Budge" [or insert other issue]. Am sure we can all identify with that

Have something available with which to block the air intake if a runaway's a possibility
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

More like "the difference between a job well done and an eternal ballache mixed with strong urges to go medieval with a lump hammer, is a head gasket that lasts all of 50 miles before blowing so spectacularly as to have the compression leak audible through the header tank" :evil: :evil: :evil:

Not a happy bunny, going to be contacting the supplier of the head gasket set when I calm down (maybe next month???) but for now it's a wash and bedtime. Sorry puxa, the way things have been going I haven't even had a minute to speak to Emma about any meet up :cry:

So now it's fingers crossed White's new turbo core arrives promptly so we can have a reliable (road legal) car to use again.

EDIT-: the head was on, torqued & angled with new bolts well prior to the 11pm finish! :wink:
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Bit happier now, new (brand spanking, not rebuilt!) turbo core from Nerings of Latvia has just landed. The quality looks utterly beautiful and it comes with a printout of it's balancing data, showing a figure of 0.06g at 127,000rpm with the largest spike being 0.164g at 47,000rpm, 3.43mg of material removed from the turbine end to balance.

The thing is almost a piece of art and feels nice in the hand too, I swear if it performs half as good as it looks it'll be the best £97 I ever spent! In fact I could be tempted to buy another for the mantelpiece lol. Will have to wait until after school run to get on the job but I feel slightly better about the world at the moment...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Michel »

ekjdm14 wrote: 21 Jun 2018, 13:09 Bit happier now, new (brand spanking, not rebuilt!) turbo core from Nerings of Latvia has just landed. The quality looks utterly beautiful and it comes with a printout of it's balancing data, showing a figure of 0.06g at 127,000rpm with the largest spike being 0.164g at 47,000rpm, 3.43mg of material removed from the turbine end to balance.

The thing is almost a piece of art and feels nice in the hand too, I swear if it performs half as good as it looks it'll be the best £97 I ever spent! In fact I could be tempted to buy another for the mantelpiece lol. Will have to wait until after school run to get on the job but I feel slightly better about the world at the moment...

I will be purchasing a new core for the turbo on the 1.6HDi Grand Picasso I have, when I've worked out what turbo is on it. I shall give Nerings a look!