This is the first family car we had, a Ford Anglia similar type of colour to to this one, maybe not exact, but a bluey green as I recall.
I remember our previously empty garage getting that car smell-probably the product of oil and petrol, exhaust, touch-up paint, and start-ups. I think it had a large white round gearstick knob. I do remember a friend of my Dads coming round to do a cylinder head gasket, and it consumed oil. There is no other word for it, we loved that car! I literally cried my eyes out when Dad decided to get another car. Can you blame me......he had decided to buy, on the recommendation of the travelling baker shop man Maurice...who also had one of these monstrosities...
... a 1955 Morris Cowley. To make matters worse it wasn't a proper was a huge hunk of black metal, the most old-fashioned shape known to man, with hideous "bench seats" in the front, probably red vinyl, and a gear stick that was on the steering column.....probably to make room for that bench seat. I think it also had the pathetic semaphore indicators (although when my eldest daughter saw my pic of the A30 Semaphore indicators thought they were cool, and asked me if I could fit some to her Clio!)
I look back through diffferent eyes now of course but at the time the Black Morris Cowley was just awful, awful, awful! This is obviously the wrong colour but the only black pic I could find was described as a "Landranger".
Next one was a white Vauhall Victor Super-that was better. Still column change and bench seats but......cooler by miles. We got a recon engine for that one and used one of those stickers which you just never see these days "Please Pass-Running in"
Remember them
regards Neil