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Unread post by CitroJim »

robert_e_smart wrote: The Xm will allow you to let off steam and escape from the daily grind.
I've been letting off steam on the XM until dark tonight Robert..

Gosh, it's good for that... :D I do feel better now...

But gosh, it's a bit of a game... More in my XM blogs later...

Mike, agreed, no way is it going to do my health and thanks for the offer but if I can't coax the Lexia back to life I'll most likely buy one in due course but I'd most like to have a good gander round a Lexia 3 to see if it does all I need of it......

Not beaten yet but sick of the sight of the bloody thing right now. I HATE computers and I reckon the person who designed the Lexia also designed the XM....

Read into that what you will....

:twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

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Unread post by davetherave »

Thats a shame about the lexia Jim, there must be a way to do it, it seems crazy that a duff bios battery could scupper it!.
Could you try booting up a different hard drive with a standard OS on it?

I hope you do get the time to put into the Xm, but if not im sure someone would be more than happy to take it on (with yourself as gearbox consultant of course!)
I know how you feel though, the cx is currently taking up a lot of my time and is very slow progress indeed. Itll all be worth it in the end though

Looking forward to the weekend too, it had better be good weather after the washout national :?
Perhaps a holiday for you is in order! Without regular holidays i would go nuts, although at the moment nightshifts are taking care of that!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Thanks Dave :D

A holiday is just what I want right now but due to work demands it's not very practical right now...

A holiday of spannering the XM is what I need!!! I had it all planned like that too until work threw a spanner in my spannering plans :evil:

But you're right, I do need one very badly and I'm likely to force the issue soon...

Tried booting the Lexia with an MS-DOS disk but it won't have it. It will only boot from it's own kind :?

Thinking on I reckon the Real Time Clock chip has thrown in the towel...

Whwen I can bear to I'll have another look...

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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

Like you say, you've got the ELIT to tide you over. Stick the Lexia in the loft so you don't even have to look at it, one less problem. Worry about fixing it in a year or two, you'll come up with a solution during a shower one day :lol:

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Unread post by DickieG »

I'll be dropping off my own Lexia to Jim later today so hopefully with that there a repair can be made to his own one [-o<
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Unread post by lexi »

The XM needs a lot of work and given the prevailing circumstances I may just have to abandon it. I'm currently thinking it over.
Remember Jim ; an artist never finishes his work anyway..........he merely abandons it :lol:

You should do what Kevin Spacey did in American Woman..............give it all up :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by CitroJim »

lexi wrote: You should do what Kevin Spacey did in American Woman..............give it all up :lol: :lol:
Not bloody likely :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As you can read in my XM blog, things look very different today after some much needed spannering :D :D :D :D

It just goes to prove to me that anything to do with IT or computers is bad for my health :evil: :evil: :evil:

The XM has gone from borderline restorable to potentially restorable today :lol: :lol:

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Unread post by KP »

Jim does the Lexia have a USB port at all??

if not what happens when dos is put on another HDD and put in the machine or maybe even just XP on its own with no drivers??

fialing that is there no way to boot it off a CD Drive, maybe mock up a HDD IDE cable to an old cd rom and just boot to a windows PE enviroment and change the time, save it reboot :)

Dont mind having a nosey at it the next time your coming past and see if we could maybe get round it :)

Wonder if the MFR still offer some kind of support to dealers for them... ;)
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Thanks Will, yes it does have USB but it won't boot from it :evil:

I've also tried booting a basic PE and it does not want to know that either :evil:

I have one more thing to try now. I've found on the recovery CD the ghost image for its own PE and will try ghosting that to the hard disk direct rather than trying to boot the Lexia from the recovery disk.

That means stripping the Lexia totally (again) to get the hard disk out... Terrible design as the hard disk is buried in the depths of it and literally it has to be stripped to the last screw to get it out..

That's a job for later....

I'll post a picture of a disembowelled Lexia next time I do the job and you'll see the thing was desigend by the same bloke who designed the XM :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by CitroJim »

Just renewed my insurance for another year. Admiral were admirable as always and came up with such a good deal for both me and Robyn that to keep the V6 off the road became affordable so I will be keeping all three on the road for the next year :-D

By way of celebration I brought the V6 out of hibernation this evening and took her for a spin. I've not been near the V6 since I've had Rattiva and it was lovely to drive her for a change... I'd almost forgotten what a lovely car the V6 is.

I find it good to have a rest from one of the cars occasionally...

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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by CitroJim »

What a bloody week :evil: Work has been manic and every evening after work I have been so brain-dead and exhausted as to be next to useless.

However, I did manage to get to the post office to re-tax the V6. I had to go to the Post Office because I can't do it on-line because, it seems, my tax and insurance expires on the same day (30 Nov) and despite having a new certificate valid to 30/11/2012 that's not seen by the on-line service. It was acceptable in the Post Office, thank goodness. Robyn (or more likely I) will have the same problem taxing her 206 as the same conditions apply. DVLA still have a bit to get right yet :x

I thought I'd wasted my money spending £215 on tax for the V6 today. I went out, after writing the CCC column and submitting it a day late and did the weekly checks on the cars. Went to start V6. She fired, spluttered, coughed and died. She'd not restart and it seemed to my ears that she did not sound right cranking. I was worried the timing belt had gone or slipped. Then I couldn't hear the fuel pump priming. Much fruitless checking of voltages, the immobiliser and double relays shed no light.

I got the ELIT out. It could 'talk' to the engine ECU. No faults and all actuator tests passed, including fuel pump, injectors and coil. Still not a hint of a start. I wanted to check timing and rather than pull the cam covers off, I pulled the coil pack off and popped out the front bank spark plugs. They were wet with petrol. I then noted the cam position through the oil filler and measured the depth of the pistons from the bottoms of the plug wells and compared this with my spare engine. Timing seemed OK.

I swapped coils. Still no start. I checked the coolant temperature sensor. ELIT said 11 degrees. That seemed OK. Re-ran the actuator tests. OK.

Tried another start and it was trying occasionally. I opened the accellerator wide and she fired, ran a bit and died. Repeated for longer with foot to the floor and after a good deal of churning she fired, ran, blew a massive cloud of what I reckon was unburned petrol out of the exhaust, much to the shock of some innocent passers-by :lol: and she was away. Foot off and she was idling a treat - as if nothing had ever happened.

I let her warm up and then stopped her and swapped the coils backs. Started fine. And so she has since. I took her for a long run this evening and all is perfect again.

I think I know what the problem was. On Thursday I wanted, for reasons that will be come apparent in Rattiva's blog, to see how much air cam out of the demist vents with the fan running at full speed. I fired up the V6, did the check and switched off. In all the engine ran for about 45 seconds. I know this is not good and i should have ran her long enough to warm but I was tired and in a hurry.

I'm sure that was what caused all the problems today. Moral is, if you start up on a cold evening make sure the engine runs up to temperature. Thinking back I've had the same thing happen on an Activa way back in the past.

All I know is it wasted about three hours today and goodness only knows how much petrol. On a positive note, she has a jolly good battery :-D

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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by myglaren »

Your experience is very similar to that of my brother with his BMW.
He started it to move it further down his drive, did some gardening or something, moved it back again an hour later to let his son in then moved it onto the street a couple of hours after that.
The following day he couldn't get it started, flattened the battery and had to call the AA.
He discovered the battery was locked in the boot and they had problems getting to it as the lock wouldn't open as the battery was flat.

AA man knew what it was straight away and gave him the same advice that you have learned the hard way - the ECU sees a cold engine and throws lots of petrol at it. Repeat this a couple of times and the engine is drenched in petrol and refuses to fire - as it is cold the ECU continues with the fuel enrichment that only makes things worse.

He has seen the light and now has a 307 HDi.
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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by citroenxm »

Ever flooded a derv... Its great fun.. Useually done when heater plugs dont work.. The engine spins so of course the pump is pumping and injectors injecting and then when the cylinder gets to temperture the whole lot fires in one go with a great rattle and a brill cloud of smoke...

Of course hdi or di dont do it as they start without or with very little heat.....

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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by CitroJim »

citroenxm wrote:Ever flooded a derv... Its great fun..
No, can't say as I have Paul; but that really does sound like good giggle material.. Thinking on I have heard tales of back boxes being blown to smithereens doing things like that..

Steve, Thanks for describing your brother's experience, it confirms what I thought it might be.

If it happens again I'd be tempted to pull the fuel pump fuse and depressurise the fuel rail before trying again to dry the engine out a bit.

It's good in a way to know it can happen to a BMW as well :)

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Re: Citrojim's Xantia Tales

Unread post by citroenxm »

Im not sure a DERV would blow a back box off, its not as volitile as Petrol... Petrol fill exhaust systems ignite right through, how ever, DERV wont as it only ignites when sprayed against HOT compressed air.. hence all the fuel sitting on top of a piston then igniting all at once in the cylinder - hence the knock..

Easy to do on an XUd, simply disable the heater plugs, and try and start one... :-D


PS: Be sure to have a damm bloody good battery! You need a lock of cranking.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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