This is the point where you all point and laugh

It does, however many time or how often it's changed.myglaren wrote: I don't think that it is actually meant to, it just does
I'm still waiting to see for myself but I know a man that would argue it is possible to keep a diesel engine oil cleaner for longer. Probably not going to happen with my "tuned" pump though.CitroJim wrote:However clear the exhaust may look, diesel exhaust is full of very minute carbon particles (soot) and a deal of these do end up in the oil.
Pride before a fall.MikeT wrote:It was interesting to see it holding 81degrees under most conditions, from which I feel confident to infer the whole cooling system is now in good shape.
If it came with free petrol for life, I might be pursuaded but for now, no thank you Jim. I'm having way too much fun tuning this diesel.CitroJim wrote:Sorry to ehar Mike, not read the thread yet, been away a bit...
Fancy an Activa? I know of oneMikeT wrote: Is this the opportunity to get my dream car?