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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

I always had the idea that the engine oil in an old school derv was meant to very quickly get black after a good mileage?
This is the point where you all point and laugh :lol: :oops:

'19 C4 Cactus 130 Flair
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Unread post by myglaren »

red_dwarfers wrote:I always had the idea that the engine oil in an old school derv was meant to very quickly get black after a good mileage?
This is the point where you all point and laugh :lol: :oops:
I don't think that it is actually meant to, it just does :)
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Unread post by CitroJim »

myglaren wrote: I don't think that it is actually meant to, it just does :)
It does, however many time or how often it's changed.

It's just very minute carbon particles from blow-by, entirely normal and nothing to worry about at all.

However clear the exhaust may look, diesel exhaust is full of very minute carbon particles (soot) and a deal of these do end up in the oil.

Hence the desire these days for things like FAP filters but even they won't stop you oil looking like a coal-hole very quickly.

Soot and diesels go hand-in-hand like Sooty and Sweep...

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Unread post by MikeT »

CitroJim wrote:However clear the exhaust may look, diesel exhaust is full of very minute carbon particles (soot) and a deal of these do end up in the oil.
I'm still waiting to see for myself but I know a man that would argue it is possible to keep a diesel engine oil cleaner for longer. Probably not going to happen with my "tuned" pump though.

Despite not having access to the max fuel screw, I'm got the car smoking as the turbo spools up but it soon goes clean when the turbo gets up to speed showing there's more power to be had yet.

Here's a short clip showing what I'm TORQUING about. It might not seem that quick but it'll do me for starters.


While I've been playing with cameras on cars, thought you might find this clip interesting....


Believe it or not, that undecided magpie did NOT go under my wheel and did not itself become what it was feasting on - road kill.
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Unread post by CitroJim »

That is impressive Mike :D

You'll never roadkill a Corvid (crow family, of which a Magpie is a member). They're very intelligent birds and and are especially proficient at differential calculus. They see you coming whilst feasting and make a very accurate calculation of your approach speed to determine the exact moment, to the nearest millisecond, when they must take off to avoid being hit :D

On the other hand, Pigeons really never quite master it...

Urban legend has it that there is only one vehicle that can confuse a less than proficient Corvid and that's a C15 van. If they mistake it for a normal Citroen Visa (easy enough at first glance) and neglect to factor in the higher van roof of the C15 it can be Goodnight Vienna for them :lol:

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Unread post by MikeT »

I must admit, I'm surprised by the performance hike, all things considered. I'm sure cleaning the EGR gunk out made a noticeable difference when the LDA was at it's mildest setting. And that's on 99% SVO, which it's said can cost a bit of power.

Maybe it's not clear (photobucket converted the video)? Two magpies went to my right but the third initially went left, then changed direction at which point I could have sworn he was under my wheel. I'm glad to say, he got away scott free.

Might have been a different story if I managed to set the ride height like I planned last weekend. Maybe this weekend it will happen.
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Unread post by Toby_HDi »


If you need a hand with the ride height, give me a shout.

Impressive video, I think that speed climbs almost as quick as my V6 now. Be interesting to see a torque figure for that...

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
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Unread post by KP »

Looks very good indeed Mike :)

if i ever go veggie again or 2.1td my activa i'll have to pay you a visit with some beer token crates :D
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Unread post by MikeT »

Hi Toby, thanks for the offer and I might have to take you up on it if plans fall through again. The car feels like it's on tip-toes at higher speeds.

I'd much rather do it on a proper car lift though. If you're around Saturday afternoon (about 2/3 o'clock onwards) I'd appreciate your help.

I'm also curious to see the power output data but as I'm hoping to tune it further, can wait a little while longer.

Hi KP, I'm happy to help where/when I can, gratis. It would be very interesting to tune a 2.1TD! 8-)
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Unread post by MikeT »

MikeT wrote:It was interesting to see it holding 81degrees under most conditions, from which I feel confident to infer the whole cooling system is now in good shape.
Pride before a fall. :oops:

If you haven't seen it, I've started a new thread in the Citroen section about my matrix.

I'm willing to try replacing it - hopefully with some asistance - but I'm procrastinating because I think I might have blown the head gasket too. I don't know. :roll:

Either way, I won't be driving it in this state unless absolutely necessary.

Is this the opportunity to get my dream car? I call it the Citroen Unobtanium. It's a Xantia Estate with 2.5TD and auto box, Activa suspension and exclusive trim. Sorry, gotta go, my alarm's just gone off. :lol:
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Sorry to ehar Mike, not read the thread yet, been away a bit...
MikeT wrote: Is this the opportunity to get my dream car?
Fancy an Activa? I know of one :wink:

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Unread post by MikeT »

CitroJim wrote:Sorry to ehar Mike, not read the thread yet, been away a bit...
MikeT wrote: Is this the opportunity to get my dream car?
Fancy an Activa? I know of one :wink:
If it came with free petrol for life, I might be pursuaded but for now, no thank you Jim. I'm having way too much fun tuning this diesel.
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Unread post by MikeT »

Big thanks to Toby for coming to my rescue today, following my announcement of a suspected heater matrix leak and what to do about it.

I thought my only options were to sell/scrap/break the car or bypass the heater matrix as I know replacing it is a challenge I couldn't accomplish first time alone.

Inspired by offers of help and all the shared knowledge of this forum, I spent Sunday removing everything from the dashboard/fascia according to a mix of Haynes and FCF guides and managed to accomplish more than I'd expected before my back warned me I'd gone too far.

This morning, Toby came round as promised and he went shopping for parts as I remained behind to begin removing the fascia fasteners. Toby returned promptly with the essentials - a GSF supplied Valeo matrix, o-rings and illumination bulbs.

Not trusting my own work, I asked Toby to check it over inside the cabin in case I'd missed anything and we then turned our attention to the scuttle, which I admit, I was dreading in case I cracked either the scuttle or the screen.

Fortunately, after trying several types of blades with partial success, Toby found that once he'd made a start at the corner, it was possible to slowly but surely peel the scuttle away from the screen, using a combination of screwdrivers and fingertips as wedges. It actually tore the sealant internally rather than lifting itself off one surface or the other. The remnants was easy enough to peel or scrape off once the two were seperated. If only the rest of this job was just as easy!

With the remaining fasteners removed, we struggled to get the fascia out but once we had the measure of the weight and the odd wiring snag, it was eventually removed and access to the matrix was that much nearer.

We then had different ideas of what needed to be done and Toby got busy in the engine bay undoing the blower box fasteners. One nut eluded him but suspecting it was the one mentioned as being obscured by the LHM tank and after a lot of struggling around the LHM tank, we eventually removed it for better access which allowed Toby to somehow quickly conquer the remaining fastener(s) and it was then relatively easy to pull and split the heater box. With a bit of effort, the old matrix was wrenched clear of the box and I was hugely relieved to see Toby prove it was the matrix leaking and not the connection at the elbow which had one o-ring missing as previously suspected.

And that's how we left it as I called it a day.

Toby's kindly offered his assistance again tomorrow so fingers crossed I wake up able (not seized up as I'm prone to) and the weather stays dry.

Thanks again Toby, you're a star!
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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

Glad to hear that the change is going well :)

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Unread post by MikeT »

Again, thanks to Toby's assistance, we've now replaced the matrix and refitted the fascia leaving the rest for me to do at my leisure. I'm busy today and at the weekend so unsure when I'll get it finished as I'd like to add some wiring and make modifications before it all goes back together.

I've borrowed Toby's Activa and, as commanded, took it for a good thrashing (a gentle one in reality) after adding some expensive liquid to the tank, free air to the tyres and checking oil and coolant were adequate.

Obviously, some of you already know this but here's my impression of the Activa...

Talk about a car having a personallity. She will curtsey when I open the door, making me feel regal. 8-) It took a moment or two to realise I can start the engine without waiting for a light to go out and was good to feel it start instantly without hesitation or drama.

After allowing the coolant and engine oil to heat up to normal, I began asking more and more of her as I got accustomed to her reactions.
It's incredible they way she corners though I wasn't happy to take it to the limit for obvious reasons. She has a wild side that just begs to be explored but being so capable, would think it best left to a private track than the public roads.

It is not comparable to my TD in many ways and it was hard to believe I was driving a car the weight and size of a Xantia. 10/10