Easydiagnostics Equipment Discount for FCF Members

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Easydiagnostics Equipment Discount for FCF Members

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

For those interested, French Car Forum members can obtain a 15% discount of products at the Easydiagnostics website.

Easy Diagnostics Website
  1. Any member who wishes a 15% discount code to use with Easydiagnostics needs to send a Private Message (PM) to GiveMeABreak.
  2. We will send to Easydiagnostics an email to verify your FCF username and registered email address.
  3. You will receive a copy of the verification email sent to Easydiagnostics (but please allow some time for them to receive it).
  4. The member should use the chat facility of the Easydiagnostics website, giving your FCF username and registered email address, to request the 15% FCF member discount.
  5. Easydiagnostics will be able to confirm your FCF membership from the email and proceed with the order, subject to their terms & conditions.
Note: You must use your FCF registered email address, which is the one where you receive forum notifications, and probably the one you signed up with (you can check and update your email address if necessary on your Profile Page - BEFORE requesting us to verify you as a member).

By requesting a discount code, you are authorising the FCF to provide your username and registered email address to Easydiagnostics for the purpose of verifying you as a member.

All requests will be considered, but we reserve the right to refuse requests from new FCF members who only appear to have registered for the purpose of obtaining a discount.

The FCF is not affiliated to Easydiagnostics in any way and does not receive any reward for this service; the discount is available for all products on their website, but may be withdrawn at any time by Easydiagnostics.
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