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Joined: 25 Jun 2003, 21:49


Post by chueewowee »

Can anyone talk me through the possible meanings of this symptom on a BX TDZ 1990: ... _shock.gif
The accumulator makes a lot of noise, grunting quite often, and even a metallic sound.
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Post by AndersDK »

John -
Hydraulic Citroens are recognised by their very distinctive clicking - or ticking - sound from engine bay during run.
The sound scheme may vary due to wear & differences in system details between old/new generation models.
The noise emanates from the pressure regulator (PR) controlling valves - cutting in/out at varying time intervals. Since the accumulator sphere is located directly on the PR - it's perfectly allright to assume the sound is from here.
Most owners though seems more likely to assume the sound is emanating from the pump.
The time interval between noise/sound events - should be rather long - up to some 1-2 min's - when the system is operating correctly.
As a rule of thumb - time intervals down to some 30sec's - is still deemed acceptable.
If however the time interval is shorter than 30sec's down to some 10 - even 5 - sec's - the system is surely at fault. The sound may even appear as a constant rattling or snorring like sound.
In such instances the system is NOT capable to hold any spare brake pressure in the event the engine stalls - and the system is constantly trying to keep up normal working pressure.
On BX (all variants) it's known that the front suspension cylinders are the most likely causes to rapid PR ticking - because these cylinders wear out in their internal ram cylinder O-rings - leaking the pressure back to the reservoir.
To test for this problem - simply remove the SMALL hoses from reservoir leading to a jar - then test for any LHM flow rate more than dripping (engine idle - normal height).
If flow - or even pressure - evident, then you have a leak problem. To ensure this problem emanates from front cylinders - remove their return hoses (in wheelarches) and test again here. Flow is a NO-GO test.
If the opposite - no flow & rapid PR ticking - then your accumulator sphere is FLAT. New acc spheres are cheap & easy to DIY replace.
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