207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

matspiderpig85 wrote: 28 Jan 2025, 20:10 , I've noticed an oil leak around the banjo for the oil line to the turbo, got new banjo and washers coming tomorrow, could misfires be anything to do with the turbo? I'm at my wits end with the car 😅
The oil feed pipe will need to be replaced (oh joy...). The oring inside the crimped fitting will have failed:


This is the replacement that I have used:


It would be only a bit irritating except for the 4 hours labour to change the part.
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

matspiderpig85 wrote: 28 Jan 2025, 20:10 Do you know which fuse it is? The only noise after shut down or when I get the misfires is the fan, the pump failure code is the only other code that is coming up with the misfire ones. I've had a clean on the inlet valves but I still have the problem, I've noticed an oil leak around the banjo for the oil line to the turbo, got new banjo and washers coming tomorrow, could misfires be anything to do with the turbo? I'm at my wits end with the car 😅
I don't know which fuse it is on the 207, on the 308 it is one of the small fuses, maybe 5A.

I can't really see how the turbo coolant pump could cause a misfire. Did you do a compression test?
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

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The car is just a money out at the moment 🙃 not had a a compression test yet, I'll get this pump sorted and I'll order a a new pipe. Driving me crazy because when it's not throwing the codes it drives really nice!
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Don't think it's the head either, no coolant loss or oil in the coolant
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

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I'll do another live data tomorrow
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by gwest »

Two things you could try that won't cost much.
One is to thoroughly clean the contacts on the coil packs and the corresponding harness connectors. I recently cured a misfire on my DS5 THP doing this. I used electrical cleaner and a cotton bud on the coils, and the cleaner followed by compressed air on the wiring connectors. Also closely check the openings of the connectors to make sure no-one has widened them by probing them. If necessary find a suitable pin with which you can check how tight they are.
The other thing is to use an injector cleaner- there is something odd about the injection duration on cylinder 2. The cleaner that has the best reviews is Redline SI-1. They are one of the few to state the concentration of the important PEA component.
Xantia-v6 is unfortunately right about the level of difficulty (=$$$) in replacing the turbo oil supply line. However, it will not be causing your misfires and if it is not pouring out, you may be able to delay having it fixed. Likewise with the timing- you are getting no errors indicative of timing problems. You would be hearing rattling at cold start if the chain was badly worn.
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Have noticed today when servicing it, the hose that connects to the turbo has disintegrated where it connects to the turbo, fixed the leak from the turbo banjo and not had the pump code all day, normally get it all the time
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by gwest »

Those pipes really are rubbish. If these cars were supported like some of the British classics someone would have manufactured a superior product. I see that for Minis you can now buy a stainless steel rear coolant pipe to replace the fragile plastic one. Pity it isn’t suited to our cars.
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Idle today, going out so will check that fuel pressure is right while I'm driving. After I changed oil and filter there were no signs of coolant or anything. I'll try give the coils a clean as I have some contact cleaner, I'll see if I can find some if that cleaner, I have to tried a few different types though. Do these have fuel pressure sensors? How hard are the injectors to get at on these? And do they need coding? If I replaced them
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Should the fuel pressure be erratic on idle?
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

So today before I went out I swapped 2 and 3 coils, misfire code I just got was for cylinder 2, yesterday was 3. Only had new coils a couple of months ago though and when I changed them last it didn't fix the issue, going to swap 2 to 4 and see what happens then
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Cat code again, not had this recently though. I had noticed on live data that the sensor after the cat the signal reads as weak? Wonder if it's worth changing both and seeing if that makes anything difference, I have tried some cat cleaner in the fuel twice already to try clean it
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by PaulC5 »

If you look at live data, the catalyst inlet lambda sensor should be constantly switching and the outlet one should be fairly steady. If the outlet one is also switching it most likely means the catalyst needs replacing.
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

Fuel pressure at idle jumps anywhere from 44 to 52 bar, you can feel it at idle. I can replace the pump myself so wondering if its worth giving that a go, was reading the hpfp are common on these?
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Re: 207 1.6 petrol turbo thp misfires

Unread post by matspiderpig85 »

When it is idling smoothly the pressure is more stable