Cheers Armidillo.. just make sure they are not the 3RD ones....which leak & come with non-LHM safe top seals

More work today.....on the steering rack....what a BALLS of a job !
No problems with the ball joints etc
No problem releasing the rack
no problem releasing the U-J.....all as per the Citroen book and Book of Lies
"then withdraw via the right side".....NOPE, not a chance !... the Pinion makes it way way to big to get it past the upright of the subframe and the inner wing.
Much scratching of heads...calling "those that may know" luck there, "to busy to chat at the moment", "not in today" or "never done one mate" = oh bugger.
More head scratching ... "why don't we try dropping the sub-frame?".... OK I say, I will get my threaded rod set I use for the rear sub-frame drop....
Wiggle wiggle, rattle gun rattles, rods in, crow bar wedged under the sill....and out it comes !
(Thanks to Rob Moss at Chevronics for doing me the favour of calling back & Jim for his help today)
PS. (I will let Jim tell the story of why, even after doing the tappets on my AX the little bugger kept "ticking"....another WTF is that & why has doing the tappets not fixed the "ticking")