Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Rhothgar »

Stickyfinger wrote: 31 Aug 2024, 17:44 OK mate....BTW, did you ever fit those Strut tops I gave Jim for you ?
No! Still not. One is in place and adequately sealed but I need to make new adapters in steel.

The offside one remains to be done.

I'd like to get it done before the bad weather sets in this autumn.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Rhothgar »

Looks like I dodged a bullet there. No! You can't have the offside one back...

The nearside one was all that was needed to get it through the MOT but it was leaking like a bad 'un. Had to use PTFE tape as a temp measure. Daren't really drive the car until the offside is done.

If you are now buying new replacements from Eurocarcare for the strut top mounts, please can you do a drawing of the adapters which convert 3.5 pipe down from the bigger Hydractive pipe? Someone else on here bought some but it didn't work out timing wise and I think he had fitted them and simply forgot my request.

We should have something more detailed on file on the forum in respect of these adapters as a sticky (without the finger) for future reference.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by CitroJim »

Remind me how many times I've supplied you a diagram of the adaptor I made as a proof of concept Roger ;) :lol:

It must be into double figures now :roll:

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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Rhothgar »

CitroJim wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 09:34 Remind me how many times I've supplied you a diagram of the adaptor I made as a proof of concept Roger ;) :lol:

It must be into double figures now :roll:
Once I believe Jim but...

I would prefer to get one made up that mimics the adapter that is supplied with the replacement mounts as that will have the correct flare angle on the end which will be either 37 or 45 degrees. :-D
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

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And besides you've not seen my desk...
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Rhothgar wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 09:30 Looks like I dodged a bullet there. No! You can't have the offside one back...
NP...just asking in case they were not suitable....the "deal" that you re-gas my ACTIVA sphere set can stand...am happy with that :)...... I see Chevronics are charging £180 each for 2nd hand strut tops now . OUCH ! :)
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by CitroJim »

Which angle is it Roger? 37 or 45 degrees? I need to know for when I start my side-hustle of mass-producing them ;)
Rhothgar wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 09:43 And besides you've not seen my desk...
:lol: :lol: Mines a perfect example of what we always had to practice at work: a 'clear desk' policy ;)
Stickyfinger wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 10:16 I see Chevronics are charging £180 each for 2nd hand strut tops now . OUCH ! :)
Gosh! How much does our Lithuanian friend, KingArse, charge to rebuild them now?

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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Armidillo »

Q&A Citroen Classics & CXMduNord are both selling refurbished XM strut tops, and I think could do Xantia ones if you can send your originals - CXMduNord certainly say as much.

Q & K charge 100 Euro (exchange), and CXMduNord quoted me 150 Euro, but I think that was outright sale, without requiring me to send over my old units.

Elastomer quoted me 110 Euro, but insisted on getting the old units first. Q&K were prepared to charge a deposit, which I'll get back when/if I send in the old units. CXMduNord have problems with email - their spam filter chucks customer enquiries in the spam folder, so it takes months for them to find your email.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Cheers Armidillo.. just make sure they are not the 3RD ones....which leak & come with non-LHM safe top seals :) (reportedly)

More work today.....on the steering rack....what a BALLS of a job !

No problems with the ball joints etc
No problem releasing the rack
no problem releasing the U-J.....all as per the Citroen book and Book of Lies

"then withdraw via the right side".....NOPE, not a chance !... the Pinion makes it way way to big to get it past the upright of the subframe and the inner wing.

Much scratching of heads...calling "those that may know"....no luck there, "to busy to chat at the moment", "not in today" or "never done one mate" = oh bugger.

More head scratching ... "why don't we try dropping the sub-frame?".... OK I say, I will get my threaded rod set I use for the rear sub-frame drop....

Wiggle wiggle, rattle gun rattles, rods in, crow bar wedged under the sill....and out it comes !
PS. (Thanks to Rob Moss at Chevronics for doing me the favour of calling back & Jim for his help today)
PS. (I will let Jim tell the story of why, even after doing the tappets on my AX the little bugger kept "ticking"....another WTF is that & why has doing the tappets not fixed the "ticking")
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by CitroJim »

Indeed, it was a right old job :twisted: And, once again the Book of Lies maintained its reputation in fine style :roll:

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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Rhothgar »

Stickyfinger wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 10:16
Rhothgar wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 09:30 Looks like I dodged a bullet there. No! You can't have the offside one back...
NP...just asking in case they were not suitable....the "deal" that you re-gas my ACTIVA sphere set can stand...am happy with that :)...... I see Chevronics are charging £180 each for 2nd hand strut tops now . OUCH ! :)
Only just seen this. Eurocarcare are you friend! £128 a piece new repro ones. It is what I would have bought had you not provided yours for me.

When I bought mine for the S2, I got them for £85 each but shipping and costs have increased substantially.

One of the guys from Eurocarcare jointed this forum the other week. Some post about wiper motors if I remember correctly.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by Rhothgar »

CitroJim wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 10:33 Which angle is it Roger? 37 or 45 degrees? I need to know for when I start my side-hustle of mass-producing them ;)
Rhothgar wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 09:43 And besides you've not seen my desk...
:lol: :lol: Mines a perfect example of what we always had to practice at work: a 'clear desk' policy ;)
Stickyfinger wrote: 02 Sep 2024, 10:16 I see Chevronics are charging £180 each for 2nd hand strut tops now . OUCH ! :)
Gosh! How much does our Lithuanian friend, KingArse, charge to rebuild them now?
No idea on the angle Jim. Will check the repro ones when I redo adapter.

Clear desk policy? You can stick that where the sun don’t shine. But don’t use your own ‘sun don’t shine’ repository. I used to work at an Architects that had a clear desk policy. Absolute PITA having to clear all your drawings, engineers and sub-contractors drawings at the end of the day. Ridiculous!

Kingas were stupid money when I last checked. But probably still cheaper than ECC.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by myglaren »

I maintain a clear desk policy.
It is a glass desk.

But you can rarely see through the glass for all the crap useful stuff piled on it :twisted:
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by bobins »

The trouble with a clear desk policy is that it just makes room for more crap to be dumped on it.
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Re: Xantia 1.9TD....wake up and back on the road after 10 Years

Unread post by CitroJim »

bobins wrote: 07 Sep 2024, 10:47 The trouble with a clear desk policy is that it just makes room for more crap to be dumped on it.
:lol: In my world it was a safeguard against leaving classified documents out. There was hell to pay if you did and a clear desk made it unlikely to happen :wink:

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