c16rkc's mad house

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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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myglaren wrote: 06 Oct 2023, 11:00 He has just got rid of an Audi with a sigh of relief at having avoided big bills by having it written off for a bit of a bump.

I worked for someone years ago who said that his Mercedes was expensive to buy but cheap to maintain as the parts cost next to nothing and were easily available.
Quoted the difference between a water pump for his and one for his brother's Fiat, the Fiat one being several times the cost of the Mercedes part.

I do agree that your's is a nice looking car in the current world of ugly ones.
It's possible some of the lower spec Mercedes models might be cheaper to buy parts for; I have never looked. But the bigger models are certainly not cheap to maintain in this day an age... In particular Mercedes cars are a nightmare to work on if you do not have Star diagnostics, which is very expensive; even for an "Ebay special" version.

For example, the spheres on the Citroen C5 can be bought for around £80, with lots of aftermarket suppliers available; a full set of 7 can be had for £450 if you look hard. In contrast the Mercedes only has four of these, rather than seven, but they cost between £150 and £200 each, with no mainstream aftermarket alternative suppliers! Likewise a Mercedes ABC pump costs over £1500 new (if you can still get them), or £500 for a second hand refurbished unit, where as a brand new genuine pump for the Citroen C5 seems to sell for £400 if you look around. So the Mercedes versions seem to be much more expensive.

I also found that used parts are very expensive for Mercedes cars; which was quite a shock when I came from Jaguars, for which there are loads of low cost used spares available from breakers. It was a nice surprise to find that used Citroen parts tend to be sensibly priced. :-D
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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CitroJim wrote: 06 Oct 2023, 11:20 Following this Mercedes adventure with great interest Chris :D
Thanks Jim - hopefully it does not end with me pushing it over the road into my neighbor's garden and running away quickly... :wink:
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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I don't know tis system but I wonder if it's as simple as the Citroen start up after the pump is replaced, a matter of pre-pressurising the reservoir to get it primed.
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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Hi Gibbo - yes that's right, it is common to have to pressurise the header tank with an airline or hand pump to force any air out or the pump. But I have tried that, and when I removed the pulsation dampner further down the line, Hydraulic fluid came spraying out, which is supposed to be a tell tale sign that the pump is operating.

I can't rule out that the pump has air in it though.... :(
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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Yessss!... another juicy modification to improve my C5 experience!

Soooo..... I found this... :mrgreen:

https://www.frenchcarforum.co.uk/forum/ ... onomy+mode

I have been puzzled and mortified in equal measure, by the fact that I can only perhaps open and close the powered tailgate once or twice, before the car enters "economy mode" and the car subjects me to the embarrassment of opening and closing the tailgate "by hand" in the way all the other peasants are doing it :lol:

This link above holds the 24 Carat solution; written of course by Mark.... as always! - I think I'll treat the C5 to a new and higher quality battery before I do this though, as the current battery is a little suspect :?

Then I can resume looking down my nose and smirking at all those lesser cars, with their stone age "hand operated" boot lids and tailgates :rofl2:
Last edited by c16rkc on 06 Oct 2023, 14:29, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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Yes the unhelpful electric boot helper gets on my nerves too!
Haven't got around to Marc's solution yet, one day, one day!
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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MattBLancs wrote: 06 Oct 2023, 13:17 Yes the unhelpful electric boot helper gets on my nerves too!
Haven't got around to Marc's solution yet, one day, one day!
I desperately need this modification I am sick of this happening:

After parking in full view of everyone, I proudly kick open the door, and swagger around the beauty of my elegant C5 "tourer" (much more sophisticated than an estate you know) to the rear, and.... with a slight smirk on my face, I raise one eye brow and gently operate the soft rubberised button above the number plate.

I casually take a step back, and after 5 seconds of electronic whirring Robocop style noises, the tailgate elevates smoothly, and, while (I assume) onlookers stare with raging envy, I stand proudly with one hand on my hip, and the other at my chin, not moving until the tailgate is fully erect.

I retrieve my bag, and then commit the smooth action of throwing the bag over my shoulder while simultaneously tapping the glossy red button on the tailgate edge. I pause momentarily, waiting for the whir of the mechanism, before I swagger away like John Travolta.

But... that last part doesn't happen...

Instead, the Citroen beeps at me like a 1980's cassette deck, and... realising the sodding thing has entered "economy mode" and is refusing to close the tailgate... I scowl like Mr Bean, before trying to manually close the boot.

But the Citroen is not finished with me.

It holds the tailgate locked open, so when I pull down on it, I struggle... tugging at the tailgate like a toddler, and achieving only an inch or so of movement.

I recompose myself quickly and try a firmer pull, but the cheeky Citroen releases the struts this time, and I stumble down slightly, as I overexert with both hands.

I awkwardly close the tailgate the rest of the way, looking around and hoping no-one just saw what happened... and I slink away awkwardly with my head down and tail between my legs, like a scolded Springer Spaniel...

If this keeps happening I'm going to need counciling... :lol:
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Ah, two things:

1. Lift slightly, this triggers the mechanism to release (slight whirr but no boot movement as it disengages) and allows a manual close. No resistance when this is done, closes freely like a normal boot.

2. I've never looked that cool, especially down the tip in "my scruffs" :-D
Last edited by MattBLancs on 06 Oct 2023, 18:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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MattBLancs wrote: 06 Oct 2023, 14:05 Ah, two things:

1. Lift slightly, this triggers the mechanism to release (slight whirr but no boot movement as it disengages) and allows a manual close. No resistance when Huis is done, closes feely like a normal boot.
Duly noted :P
MattBLancs wrote: 06 Oct 2023, 14:05 2. I've never looked that cool, especially down the tip in "my scruffs" :-D
Me neither... but I can pretend on the internet where no-one knows me... :lol:
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

Unread post by Rp0thejester »

Oh gosh, what would you be like if you could remotely open and close the boot with a key fob press, you'll think your super cool, everyone else is thinking...... different...

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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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If you haven't already done so, consider signing up to the GSF newsletter. It is free to do so, and then allows you access to their discounts. I recently had to replace the battery on my C5, and a Yuasa 3000 battery (with a year warranty) went from around £280 to £99!

I have just checked, and (once I logged in) the discount still applies!
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

Unread post by CitroJim »

The biggest pain I find when Eco Mode kicks in on my C3 is that it turns off the radio :twisted:

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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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CitroJim wrote: 07 Oct 2023, 16:41 The biggest pain I find when Eco Mode kicks in on my C3 is that it turns off the radio :twisted:
Nip into Asda, where you will find a cheap radio for £8. Problem solved.
ex BX 1.9
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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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Hell Razor5543 wrote: 07 Oct 2023, 16:43
CitroJim wrote: 07 Oct 2023, 16:41 The biggest pain I find when Eco Mode kicks in on my C3 is that it turns off the radio :twisted:
Nip into Asda, where you will find a cheap radio for £8. Problem solved.
Got loads of radios around the house James and besides, none of them will sound as lovely as the system in my C3 which is, to my ears, beyond compare :)

Although, I could always use one of my vintage Hackers or Roberts :)

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Re: c16rkc's mad house

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Fun and games in the Clark household

Got a few things done this weekend...

On Saturday Lindsey took Aston out to get his new glasses, and they stayed out doing some shopping and had lunch etc. So me and Spencer had the day to ourselves...

I did a few DIY things in the house, which I won't bore everyone with... then I did what Spencer and me love to do best.. CARS!
That Mercedes CL500 is infuriating me with it's refusal to lift up off it's struts, so I decided to swap out that ABC valve I spoke about previously.
It made absolutely no difference.... :roll:

So I decided to measure the voltage, as reading online it should have 5Vdc on it to open it up, and allow the pump to pressurise the system. This is what I got...
Sweet nothing... so why is the car keeping this important valve closed?? :evil:

I studied the diagrams, and found the ABC suspension controller, but because of the design you can't exactly take a measurement here, and I don't even know which pin to measure... Mercedes cars are so difficult to fault find.
I think it's reached the time where I need to just buy the Mercedes Diagnostic tool. This will be either an Ebay special version of STAR, or the YOUCANIC tool.... we'll see.

I'm not grabby any more

So wanting a quick win, I changed over the grab handles in the Citroen C5 for the new sunglasses holders!
Very easy, and to my surprise you can use the same screws as the grab handle. I was expecting to need to source longer screws, as I read that the sunglasses holders come with them when new (my second hand versions were missing the screws). But you get a good number of turns in before it goes tight, and the brackets go nice and firm.
Then feed in the hinge pins...
Done in less than 10 minutes!
...so now I have them both passenger side...
....and drivers side!
Not bad for £30ish for the pair off Ebay.

I notice the rears are also the same size, so I have ordered more for the back, and then Aston and Spencer can have glasses stored in the back too; who needs grab handles anyway? :mrgreen:

Now for the real manly stuff!

Feeling cocky from the glasses case win, I decided to have a go at the lower "knuckle" suspension bushes. This is the kit that arrived earlier in the week I needed:
Lindsey and Aston got home, so I had more pesky spectators, and wannabe helpers...
It's dead easy to do this, you release the old bush using a spanner and socket, then two spanners when the socket is not deep enough. The you use the Sealy kit to push out the old bush.
It just pops loose when the bush is out, it shocked me how easy it was.
The old bush looked a little tired, but not as bad as I was expecting. I checked my notes, and the bill from the Citroen specialist definitely said "passenger side knuckle bush" so I had the right one.
Then you use the same kit to push in the new bush.
It all went back together and I have to say I was feeling rather good about myself 8-)

...and most of all, I was wondering, why did the Citroen specialist garage not just buy and replace this simple part for me? More money for them, and I'd have been happy too. Instead they told me this bush might write the car off due to difficulties sourcing one... :x "this car has a very complicated suspension setup" was what he said to me, and this was from a Citroen specialist garage too!

From what I have seen, most of the suspension is shared with other Citroen and Peugeot models, and all the parts seem as easy as Pie to get hold of. Let's face it there are loads of C5's all over Europe, probably more than there are Jaguar XJ's or some other cars that are still dead easy to find bits for.

Then when I offered to source it for them if they tell me what it is, they give me a misleading name for it, and give me the wrong side of the car too! :o

I have to say I am completely tired of the way garages behave. They are always so negative, careless, and they make owning a car so much more stressful than it needs to be. They always seem reluctant to take on work unless it's a routine service or MOT... I say this because we are currently experiencing a similar thing with Lindsey's Audi, which has been with the garage for 2 weeks now... having just got it back a week before that... Hoping we get that back this week, and I'll explain what happened there when the palaver is all over.

Then there's poor Jelly bean (the C3) which when I asked about getting the CAM belt done, the same garage said "I wouldn't bother on such an old car" and then it looks like it might have popped just weeks afterwards. That did rather annoy me... though I had intended to get it done somewhere else if I am honest, and it's a shame I did not do it more quickly!

So anyway... then I thought... why not do the driver side too? - it was not stated as needing it, but I may as well do it given it only took 30 minutes. :lol:

Things did not go so well this time. #-o

Getting the bush out went pretty well, and I was surprised to see the drivers side bush was in a much worst state than the passenger one - it's core was freely wiggling about and the rubber was perished and loose it's the right hand side one below).
I think the garage got mixed up when they typed the notes on my Bill... :roll:

But then things took a turn for the worse, as you can read about in my plea for help here:


During the process I also realised that the bushes on the lower arm were not the best, so a new arm has been ordered too.
The poor Citroen is now sat lonely in the garage, and I had to take the Mercedes S class to work this morning...

I don't think I'll get to fix this side until next weekend, but I will try to find some time in the week. :?