Friday night came bearing goodies! My new key and PCB has arrived
Oddly I got two PCBs... I'm not complaining.
But I'll have to wait to try it, as I have no CR1620 batteries for it...
My rear brake light bulbs arrived though, and even though the drivers side was OK, I decided to change it anyway.
Found this weird thing tucked in and lashed into the drivers side light. It's taped over so I have no idea what it is, guessing something for the dash cam?
In a dash(board)
On Friday my phone holder bracket arrived, so on Saturday I fancied putting together a nice neat solution for my phone.
First I wanted a bluetooth solution hidden away, for listening to music.
My Bluetooth adapter is USB powered, so first I needed a USB socket I could splice into the wiring.
I started with this...
...which I attacked and ended up with this...
I then soldered on two wires for the 0v and 12v input.
Then I used my heatshrink kit to cover over all the electric parts.
So that's something to power my Bluetooth adapter. This is it.
I fed the audio wire up and through a hole I found in the top of the glove box. Then using an 3.5mm jack to RCA adapter wire I plugged into the Citroen audio aux in.
I soldered it into the power wires that have been spliced for the Dashcam... seemed rude not to.
Then tucked everything away neatly, and that's a nice Bluetooth Aux in solution that no-one would even know was there.
I also wanted to fit my dashmount phone holder, and install a fastcharger for my phone hidden in the dash.
The Dashmount branded bracket is very nice, and I'm sort of pleased the Bridit one was not available. This one has holes pre-drilled in usable places, and even comes with a set of screws/nuts to attach the phone holder. You don't get that with a Brodit.
I had to remove the radio first but I don't have the tools needed so had to improvise...
...and it was out.
Then popped off the air-con panel trim. It feels awful taking this off. Horrible clips really sound nasty when you pull it off.
To my surprise there was no obvious way to get a cable out of the centre console to the side of the dash, so I dried myself a hole where it would not be seen.
I'd add that the internals of the dash look very well put together, and very solid, which is nice to see.
Horrible to look in and see a scuffle hole... glad it will never be seen afterwards!
The USB connectors are too big to go through the hole I made, both ends, so I had to splice and resolver the cable into the dash.
Made another USB charger on flying leads, but this time used a higher quality fast charger USB.
The pink wire is a permanent 12v, and the green/yellow is a 0v (pins 12 and 16). Sadly there does not seem to be an ignition wire, but I figured the USB would not draw much, so what the hell...
So I cut in here, and spliced in my fastcharge USB charger, then plugged in the USB cable.
I may live to regret that!
All back together, now I just need to fit the phone holder and tidy up the cable.
Something for tomorrow