Dash cam with image stabilisation

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Re: Dash cam with image stabilisation

Unread post by Paul-R »

That looks to me like the camera is shaking on its mounting. Can you tighten up anything at all? The cheapo camera in our 308 is mounted to a sucker on the screen but is nowhere near as bad as that.
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Re: Dash cam with image stabilisation

Unread post by bobins »

Unfortunately it's actually rock solid on the screen :( The issue lies with the fact the car isn't really set up for comfort ! ....... though I hasten to add it's actually in entirely stock trim and hasn't been 'Carlos Fandango'd' in any way :-D I may actually be asking a bit much in my quest for a stable image from an un-supple car on 'normal' country roads. 8-[ :lol:
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Re: Dash cam with image stabilisation

Unread post by Paul-R »

In that case maybe the sensor inside the camera has become loose. Could be difficult check that though.

I have a camera in the C5 that is rigidly fixed to the screen and that doesn't have anything like that problem.
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