Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Brief 308 SW update, plugged it in this morning:
308 25.2.2024 main screen_101946~2.png
It did not automatically populate the VIN number, so I must have done something differently??
Typed the VIN (from the sticker in driver's doorway, the under bonnet VIN is well hidden! There's no front cross member above the radiator (well, only a plastic piece) - Google tells me it's near the expansion tank where I thought I had looked but didn't spot it)
308 25.2.2024 new menu (from engine ecu)_101944~2.png
308 25.2.2024 engine ecu - list of ecu types_101936~2.png

Then it was a little odd and needed me to choose which ECU was fitted?? Not had that on other cars before.

List of faults.
308 25.2.2024 engine ecu list of faults_101942~2.png
Though, under each it said "the error details might not be applicable if the wrong ECU type is selected" or words to that effect. Hmmmm.

Additive system (makes sense with relationship to the "risk of blocking" message) but not sure why it's thinks an issue with all 4 injectors.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

A drill fixing update, next!
New bearing arrived, now installed
Commutator pretty horrible, cleaned up (240 grit then 600 grit)
Then flushed with success, I did the same job again on the bigger drill:
However, it seems there's a pretty significant failure not far off at the other end of the motor shaft:
Toothless wonder
Toothless wonder
Oh dear!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

MattBLancs wrote: 25 Feb 2024, 14:00
Then it was a little odd and needed me to choose which ECU was fitted?? Not had that on other cars before.
I've seen that on a Berlingo I put my Diagbox on a while back Matt... It does seem odd that it can't work it out for itself which is which?

I eyeballed the actual ECU to ensure I was looking at the right one.

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

308 DiagBox= I realised on the main screen I had clicked "308(T9)" whereas this facelift is still original 308. So have clicked that this morning and now it auto recognizes the VIN.

Just doing a second quick scan
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Quick drop of the screenshots collected, will add to later
308 27.2.2024 main screen_070815~2.png
308 27.2.2024 bsi fault_070814~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine list of faults_070812~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p1445_070810~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p1445 bottom of list_070809~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p1445 middle of list_070807~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p0269_070805~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p0269_070805~3.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p0266_070800~2.png
308 27.2.2024 engine p1434_070753~2.png
308 27.2.2024 addative ecu FEB0_070752~2.png
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

Oh gosh Matt... Hard to tell just what's going on there...

Top up the tank, reset the counter and try a forced regeneration perhaps?

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

CitroJim wrote: 27 Feb 2024, 09:30 Oh gosh Matt... Hard to tell just what's going on there...

Top up the tank, reset the counter and try a forced regeneration perhaps?
Yes a fair list!

Plan as it stands is adaptive top up and code clear, see if it regens itself. I'm not sure what the trigger point is for regen (4 mBar indicated in the results above currently) = will research this.

I've put a request to confirm what's what on the additive fluid front over in the parts list.

Handy cross link for my future use:

Feedback from my wife is car ran fine today since the code clearing session this morning.

The not yet departed 206 has a near new DPF and in the the garage is it's original. Potentially get that professionally cleaned as replacement for the 308 = another research topic.

Not sure what to make on the 4 injector codes as yet!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

So, options include 5l of a product from Wynns, £29 from B&Q (now that they've turned into eBay alternative, seem to have some good prices on all sorts of random things!?!) ... 851_BQ.prd

£250 for first result from Google with a price listed for "off the car, take it to them" type service:
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

£250 doesn't compare that favourably with "bin it and fit a new one" which a very quick AutoDoc search suggests starts around the same price range:
From Autodoc app
From Autodoc app
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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New DPF on eBay, by BM Catalysts (and coincidentally from a seller about 5 minutes walk away!) £149.78
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

I'd just reset the injector codes and see what happens Matt...

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

CitroJim wrote: 28 Feb 2024, 06:16 I'd just reset the injector codes and see what happens Matt...
Yes, definitely.

Just quoting the good information from Marc:
GiveMeABreak wrote: 28 Feb 2024, 00:22 You need Powerflex Additive Matt.


This 308 has a reservoir not a pouch system. You need to add a minimum of 1 litre, but it does not specify capacity. It is usually at the rear left of the vehicle hidden behind a heat shield near the rear exhaust.
More research/ shopping to be done :)
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

Cars are like kids Matt, always needing money spent on them!

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

CitroJim wrote: 28 Feb 2024, 09:10 Cars are like kids Matt, always needing money spent on them!
Oh yes, I could be throwing money at something silly and frivolous, betting on the horses or something, but it's not going get me off to work in the morning is it!
I'm fairly ambivalent about the money spent on fixing cars, as doing it all myself it's a cheap as it could possibly be anyway.

Those who chuck hundreds of pounds per month into a PCP type thing to get a new car (that they don't actually own, unless paying even more at the end of the lease) have a different philosophy to me. I'll stick with my "old bangers" thanks very much! :-D
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

I'm with you 100% there Matt. Mine are 30 and 20 years old and are absolutely fine for me! :)
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!