Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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mickthemaverick wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 11:02
MattBLancs wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 10:58 Agree, but wanted to see if one of the various "useful" rubber washers in the garage would sort it first! :)
Is that an 'in case' rubber washer or a 'box of graduated sizes' rubber washer? :-D
More "random jam jar of them" that may even be too hard to be any use (came from my Grandad's hoarding garage)

Diaphragm seems perfect in the current one, but £12 from Toolstation and a short walk, I'll just swap the lot! :)
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Help with collection
Help with collection
Ta da
Ta da
Those washers on the cusp of rusting are annoying me, thin a couple more numberplate versions will be in order
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Neighbours both sides have overflowing cisterns, both of them for years. Apparently they can be fined by the water company for wasting water.

I would fix the leaks for them if it wasn't for their stinky cloakrooms (detergents and fabric conditioners stinky).

Mine may need doing soon, bit of a water hammer from it occasionally. Had to do the bathroom one a couple of years ago for the same reason. Trying to find a suitable washer was going nowhere, easier to replace the inlet valve with one like yours.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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People's apathy never stops disappointing!

With yours, have you tried closing the isolation valve a touch? Sometimes that can be enough to move it away from resonance/stop the water hammer.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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MattBLancs wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 12:42 With yours, have you tried closing the isolation valve a touch? Sometimes that can be enough to move it away from resonance/stop the water hammer.
No, I'll give it a shot. I may never know though as it is very unpredictable. Usually gets worse of course.
I have been going to dismantle and see if I have a suitable washer, or buy one.
Never remember when I have the car though.
I have a Toolstation, Screwfix, Plumbase and the dreaded B&Q all fairly local but the best option is usually McFarlane's or Crosslings that are a bit further away.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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myglaren wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 12:30 Neighbours both sides have overflowing cisterns, both of them for years. Apparently they can be fined by the water company for wasting water.
Clearly not like us and on a meter then... 'Cos when you are you are careful to never waste a drop...

The best cure of all for water hammer is an air vessel nearby to absorb the shock... Think of it like a Citroen suspension sphere...

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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I had major issues with a water hammer made the nails go rusty!! :sulk:
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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mickthemaverick wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 14:07 I had major issues with a water hammer made the nails go rusty!! :sulk:

Should have used a glass hammer Mick ;)

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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It was just caused by the inlet seal flapping/vibrating but quite severe, was worried about the girl next door, who's bedroom backed onto our bathroom. Couldn't find a suitable seal so bought a new inlet valve that is silent.
Homebase wanted £16 in their closing down sale. £7 from Screwfix 100 yards away. Packs of seals cost as much.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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This sort of illustrates why I don't bother with the council garden waste wheelie bin service.
No gardening for weeks then in an afternoon I've made several bin fulls. I could put a little bit in each time, but a trailer trip (about 2 miles) to take it myself makes sense :)

P.s. and it'll have loads more in it when I go next! This is only about a third full once given a good chop!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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I've been known to fill my green bin and several of my neighbours - some stealthily - when I've had a good old blitz on my garden!

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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SWMBO has a neighbourhood brown bin club so any of our close neighbours can use each other's bin when their own space in limited. Works pretty well as it is rare for two households to both produce heaps of garden waste in the same week!! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

mickthemaverick wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 17:28 SWMBO ...
Made me chuckle, when I hear that I always think of:

Bin clubs sounds good idea, it'll cost me a year's subscription though as "can I borrow a bit of space in your bin but you can't use mine (as I can't either as I don't pay)" is pushing my luck a took too far! :-D
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

MattBLancs wrote: 08 Oct 2023, 17:55
Bin clubs sounds good idea
My neighbours and I share bins... Neither of us make enough to fill our massive wheelie bins on a weekly basis. Deal is that I use theirs and in return for doing so I keep them clean and take them out/bring them back in on bin day...

Saves three bins unnecessarily cluttering up the road and makes it easier for the binmen. Everybody wins :)

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