Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Put a request on the parts thread
To see about a new set of these:
Crusty bottom ball joint heat shield
Crusty bottom ball joint heat shield
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

MattBLancs wrote: 18 Oct 2024, 15:58 Put a request on the parts thread
To see about a new set of these:
An answer swiftly provided by Marc:
GiveMeABreak wrote: 18 Oct 2024, 21:49
MattBLancs wrote: 18 Oct 2024, 15:56 Good afternoon :)

Could you tell me the price for a bottom ball joint heat shield for the grey 308?
eBay seems to suggest 3623 13 could be the correct item. eBay also £17.99 each!? Autodoc has them listed to but out of stock (£4-£6 if they do come back in stock)

A pretty crusty mess of what's left of the two on this car!

Vin VF3**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]

Thanks as always!
Here you are Matt


(6) Ball Joint Protector, part: 362313, £6.05
Not too painful. Current crusty thing has gone back on for now (quick splodge of Tetroseal, as per hub itself)
Will seek to pick up a pair and swap them in next time I'm "in the area" for another job :)

Derusting (around inside of strut top mount / inner wing this morning then rebuild asap)
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Grey 308 SW:
Suspension knock eliminated by the job above. Interestingly I checked the MOT advisory (from test in July this year) and it was noted only as slight play in the other side!

The other seemed fine to me, but as I bought a pair anyway I'll swap that before next July. Passenger side with invariably have me mistakenly pull the driveshaft out, so I will drain the gearbox oil as prior step for that job.

Filled up with diesel at Morrisons last night:
492 miles,
49.01 litres, 135.7 ppl, £66.51. = 10.8 gallons

45.6 mpg

Happy with that as this car has lots of short runs (school run) with approx weekly office run - but that's only 25 miles each way versus me be nearer 40 each way (i.e less steady state cruising)
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Half way through a 225 mile trip down to Reading, have taken the blue 308 SW for a run.

Filled up (mpg calcs later) and reset trips ahead of leaving this afternoon. Very interesting behaviour of the "Average MPG" reading logged. Climbed and climbed and levelled off at 65 mpg after about an hour on the road. Then suddenly the reading began to drop - lowering to 58 MPG for a good while. Since then it's begun to climb again (at point of stopping it's currently sat at 67 MPG!)

Wondering if that was a regen taking place? Think so. No noticeable performance changes, all fairly steady 70 mph cruise control (bit of 50 in Smart section too)

Stopped at Bella Italia for a quick pizza refuelling stop! Can't stand services rubbish ripoff so a diversion well worth it.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by CitroJim »

Could well be a regen Matt... Diagbox will tell you ;)

I notice absolutely no difference when mine is and don't know it's happening..

Do enjoy being down south and good call on the refreshments!

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

CitroJim wrote: 06 Nov 2024, 06:18 Could well be a regen Matt... Diagbox will tell you ;)
Good shout, if I remember, I'll have to have a plug in session when home again.
I notice absolutely no difference when mine is and don't know it's happening..

Do enjoy being down south and good call on the refreshments!
Too much work time for much in the way of enjoying it down here - but "food based enjoyment" has been on the cards: just back from a lovely curry (chicken biryani, cheese nan, spicy potato things I can't recall the name of and a veg curry side dish thing too. Very full as you might guess from that list!!)

Interestingly returned to the car to find the 308 had gained a friend!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

MattBLancs wrote: 05 Nov 2024, 19:41 Filled up (mpg calcs later) and reset trips ahead of leaving this afternoon.
Another fuel receipt has eluded me at the moment, but the Reading trip plus a little local pottering about over the weekend:

Morrisons this morning:
£57.41, 136.7 ppl = 42.01 litres = 9.24 gallons,
541 miles covered

58.5 mpg

Happy with that :)

Strangely upon staring at home I was told

Half a mile to Morrisons, off, filled up and restarted:

Disappeared, has run fine all the way here. Maybe the cold (3°C) is making the battery voltage drop.

Slow puncture is definitely wearing my patience thin, will get a couple of tyres ordered in the near future. (Tread depth still fine so a bit of a shame to chuck them, even if only cheap Wanlli crap!)
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by darbuck »

The efficiency of these cars is impressive. I borrowed the wife's 508 for a week and cost me €25 to run for the week as opposed to the €70 the Primera costs me to run. Stark difference. Hence why I want the C5 up and running.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Diagbox session coming soon then!?
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

So it would seem Matt, my money's on a dirty connection somewhere! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

MattBLancs wrote: 29 Oct 2024, 08:27 Grey 308 SW:
Suspension knock eliminated by the job above. Interestingly I checked the MOT advisory (from test in July this year) and it was noted only as slight play in the other side!
Seen this on an advisory on a car i once purchased yrs ago, slight play ended up with me in a hedge one wheel face south & car facing east !
Well done for doing the balljoint replacement, the knocking sound is not the best thing to listen too either.
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by RichardW »

MattBLancs wrote: 19 Nov 2024, 09:36 Diagbox session coming soon then!?

Quite likely the battery protection unit, they are a common failing!
Richard W
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Ah ok, gives me something to investigate (as well as the diagnosis results)

Just nipped out the office and put some air in the slow puncture tyre. I think I'm going to get bored of doing this (weekly!) in the very near future!!
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Re: Suspension sinks on Sundays! C5 X7 that works hard + 206 GTi HDi (and 406 Coupe and 306 HDi). - MattBLancs

Unread post by MattBLancs »

Huskyxantia wrote: 19 Nov 2024, 09:54
MattBLancs wrote: 29 Oct 2024, 08:27 Grey 308 SW:
Suspension knock eliminated by the job above. Interestingly I checked the MOT advisory (from test in July this year) and it was noted only as slight play in the other side!
Seen this on an advisory on a car i once purchased yrs ago, slight play ended up with me in a hedge one wheel face south & car facing east !
Well done for doing the balljoint replacement, the knocking sound is not the best thing to listen too either.
Thanks, the job proved less arduous than I expected, but glad to get it done. When had car up in the air there was no obvious play in the front left, but definitely some front right (hence did that side) - given the lack of play, I'm hoping to leave the other side till next spring (and next MOT is July) when it's a bit warmer! But will keep an eye, or rather an ear on it!

Hopefully no visits to hedges forthcoming either! :rofl2: