Computer's having a funny fit

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Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Using the desktop this morning, Microsoft Money, going to the Money home page brought up the BBC page on top of the Money page so a clash somewhere
Hit the restart button and it's come up with 'Configuring Windows do not switch off your computer' and there it's remained for over half an hour now with the progress wheel rolling. :(
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

I'm not necessarily advocating this Eric, but in those circumstances I give the machine a maximum of 2 hours to sort itself out. Then I do turn it off and disconnect from the power for 15 minutes. I disconnect the internet by switching off the router or unplugging the cat 5/6 if you are running hardwired. Then I turn on the PC and see if it boots into windows correctly. If not I try booting in safe mode which means holding down a function key, F10 in my case, while it boots. If that fails I tend to go and dig out a boot CD and try from that!! Hopefully yours will just finish updating and boot normally, at least while the timer is spinning you have a chance!! Good luck! :)
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

If you are running Windows 10 Eric Patch Tuesday has just passed and there was a major update for this system that can take a while to install - so I would leave it as Mick says to do it's job.
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

All back to normal now, thanks. It was doing the update mentioned, took about fifty minutes.
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Excellent, well done that man!! :-D
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by myglaren »

Just had a similar thing, Updates of Firefox and Chromium. Usually takes between a minute and five minutes, depending on which laptop mainly.
It estimated 55 minutes and has been going for about forty minutes.
Checked the download rate and it is 55 megawhatsists.
As I looked for this thread the interdiddlything broke altogether, as it is wont to now and again but not so much lately.
Firefox installed but still another half hour for Chromium and Firefox-locale-england.
All other sites functioning rapidly, apart from the drop-out of course, only half a minute.
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by myglaren »

Did the other laptop just now. The slow one that lives in the dining room, WiFi rather than Ethernet connection so slower still.
Took just over two minutes.
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Reviving an old thread - I have a strange thing happening running Brave under Windows 11 and accessing Outlook on a Brave Tab. When I goto the Outlook tab to view my inbox, the emails appear as normal. When I select an email the preview appears in the preview panel as normal. If I click on a link in the preview panel it opens in a new tab as normal. If I double click the email to open in its own window then the links do not work. Clicking one produces a text box at the bottom of the screen overwriting the task bar and containing the URL to the site the link is for. However if I right click on the link and select open in new tab it works fine. So the query is why do the links not work from an opened email when they do from the preview pain or by right clicking and selecting view in a new tab.

I have been through all the Outlook settings and all the Brave settings and I cannot find anything that relates to hyperlinks. Any suggestions? :-D
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by myglaren »

Haven't noticed any problems on Brave and I do use it to check my Outlook mail. Actually Hotmail from the nineties.
Only open it about once a month to keep it alive.
Just tried now and all is OK. Only security alerts for Linux logins.
Haven't done the double click before but it worked OK.
The only issue I have with Brave is that it is slow to load.
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Re: Computer's having a funny fit

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Thanks Steve, that at leasts suggests to me it is something to do with my PC but so far I just haven't found it!! :-D
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