The Lincolnshire connection

Regards Neil
Yes Steve the Fudge advert is set to the tune of the Lincolnshire Poacher, and the fudge advert "jingle" was put together by Mike d'Abo based on that folk tune, and is probably the most well known rendition of the tune.myglaren wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 10:27 Was it intentional that I got the Fudge advert?
Rewound it and got the whole thing after that though.
Here's the tool to keep the thread flowing!Here's the pool
- Spoiler: show
If it hits a number already used run it again. Our 20 numbers selected so far have been
Random Number Selection is 48
New County is Kircudbrightshire
I've set foot in it....has anyone else![]()
If you know nothing about it....well that's what "Today's County in the Spotlight" is curious find out.![]()
REgards Neil
Not my cup of tea but a remarkable performance for a fourteen year old!!NewcastleFalcon wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 13:13 Earplugs at the ready, Music Maestro please...
Maxwellton Braes are bonnie....(and also in Kircudbrightshire)
Regards Neil
Come on Mick sharpen your pencil, as resident Formula 1 aficionado in my eyes, quite an obvious Kircudbrightshire connection jumped out of the Wiki page.mickthemaverick wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 12:45 My personal knowledge of this county is about the same as my knowledge of the eating habits of the Outer Mongolian tree toad
Indeed it does Neil, well spotted. I will confess to not having read that section of the page as I jumped down to the extensive and attractive gallery. I can say that DC has never really impressed me either as a driver or a presenter, although I don't question his expertise. He just seems to exhibit a slightly aloof air which puts me off. Together with Johnny Herbert they would have made great bookends for the infamous Frost Report three men sketches:NewcastleFalcon wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 13:28Come on Mick sharpen your pencil, as resident Formula 1 aficionado in my eyes, quite an obvious Kircudbrightshire connection jumped out of the Wiki page.mickthemaverick wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 12:45 My personal knowledge of this county is about the same as my knowledge of the eating habits of the Outer Mongolian tree toad![]()
(Number 5 on the list of notable inhabitants)
Regards Neil
Watch out for County 31 popping out of the random number generator, Jackie's turn will come.Hell Razor5543 wrote: 11 Apr 2022, 13:37 A TOH guess would suggest Sir Jackie Stewart. Wikipedia shows how much I know!![]()
Beeswing Kircudbrightshire, ... d_Galloway
The entry in the Ordnance Survey Object Name Book, written in 1847, states:
"A row of houses in good repair having a garden attached to each. The property of Jas. McLeod of Drumjohn. The name originates from one of the houses being used as a public house and having for its sign board the likeness of a famed racehorse called the Beeswing."