Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

Unread post by Dormouse »

I suppose now is good time to say that Pint Pot is not an attempt to redefine THE Camper, it is more a Wesley (last of the Summer Wine) attempt to fill a gap/yearning in my life. Some people get Sports Cars (and I have had one or two of them). Some people get Fast Women ( I am way too slow for them). I am under no illusions that blogging about it is going to change the World of Campers. It is a cathartic process that lets me have a chance at keeping my hands and mind active and having a small band of listeners to speak to.
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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

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My mother lives on a narrowboat. Every so often there is a slight re-design of things. It is very definitely HER boat, as she has it the way she wants. Other people (and I count myself among these) may find some things awkward, but that is not HER problem. If you get your vehicle the way YOU want it it will be fine.
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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

Unread post by Dormouse »

Don't start me about Narrow Boats. If we lived down near my daughter then Pint Pot would be a Narrow Boat!
I have hired a Narrow Boat at Linlithgow more than once!
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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

Unread post by Dormouse »

I have hired the Leamington on more than one occasion!
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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

Unread post by Dormouse »

What we have in abundance here is loads of scenic road trips. Pint Pot is being built for them. She will have the ability to go at a moments notice or stay a day or three if the mood takes us.
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Re: Pint Pot - squeezing as much into a small camper as possible

Unread post by Dormouse »

Fitted the new Rear Door Restraint Arm today. Lasted all of 1 second! The moulded in studs ripped out when I closed the door.


The arm scratched the insulated paint as well. I have refitted the old arm and await the reply from the supplier.

Started to trial fit the polystyrene insulation in the rear doors. I have created a "pocket" over the two arms - the door restraint and the cable feed. Both of these arms physically slide in and out of the door frame. By using 12mm and 30mm sheets in shaped layered panels I have filled the voids up to the level of the interior panel height. I have also started to make "pockets" out of Thermal Bubble Insulation to contain shaped pieces of Rock Wool for the upper parts if the door. Once everything is finessed I will put up pictures of what I have done.
