admiral51 wrote: 13 Apr 2020, 14:48
What you mean the game you refer to Sir Jim is actually one of those ones where you need to ride a bike to play it
Sorry that is way beyond the call of duty and i thought you were a sensible chap, you drove French cars and know how to fix them, a truly hands on and knowledgeable individual, the next thing you are going to say is its all good fun and can join in virtual cycle races with others online
Whilst we have you captive i think your post rate will rocket, no point having an encyclopedia on hand if you do not read it
Good to have you here Jim
It's so good to be back Colin and really enjoying the forum again

I must confess that both cycling and running is as addictive as crack cocaine or maybe even more so

Both activities generate endorphins, our very own internal feel-good drug closely related to opioids...
We who are hooked will do anything for our regular fix. Endorphins and the high they give is the most addictive thing ever... On the plus side, it's a good addiction with huge health benefits
And yes, you do need a bike and a smart turbo trainer to enjoy Zwift and similar virtual cycling platforms... At a not insignificant cost either. Smart Turbos cost as much as a bike and sometimes more!
When I get a treadmill I can then use Zwift to go for virtual runs and duathlons...
But I still drive a French car and can still fix them occasionally