John's Greek C5

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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by johnnyj »

I thought you might find this video funny, taken earlier today as I arrived back in my village. I was following an enormous bush moving along the road. I probably shouldn't have filmed it while driving, but I was going very slowly.

Only in Greece.

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Re: John's Greek C5

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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by johnnyj »

I thought so, too, but I think it is food for the goats.
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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

Nope, it is a disguised Police vehicle to trap drivers illegally using their mobile phones to video unusual sights! :D
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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Wrong again, Saint Greta has escaped from room 101 in a cunning disguise :roll:

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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by white exec »

Not often you see so many Leafs travelling together!
Great video.
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Spark Plugs

Unread post by johnnyj »

There's a bewildering array of plugs listed for the "C5 1" (which I assume my car is, given I paid the princely sum of 1250 euros for it). In my experience, spark plugs are one of those items which make little difference when changed, or indeed make all the difference.

Having played with cars for years, and as a younger man, I was of the "stick that in it, it''ll do" faith and normally it worked. I'd study the colour of the plugs, compare them with the photo guide in the Haynes Book of Jokes, then think "sod it" and shove one in from a lawn mower or something. I was convinced, for years, that spark plugs were of the same importance as, say, a wheel trim.

That was until I bought a jaguar XJ-S. It was a V12 and running on 10 or eleven cylinders only. Ten of the plugs came out relatively easily, and were all Bosch. The front two were buried under the air conditioning pump and took all day to remove, but when they finally did they were NGK.

"Hmmmm" I thought, some lazy mechanic has done a plug change but not bothered to do the front two. Long story/short, replacing the front two plugs (and the other ten) restored the old cat to a beautiful purrrrrrr.

Naturally the Jag then fell to bits, but that is another story.

So, I now always pay attention to plugs and try to fit what the manufacturer intended, or indeed any better plugs tried and tested by an enthusiastic community. You know where I'm going with this...any recommendations?

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Quick Video

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Here's a quick video, made up of some clips sent to the folks at home (and before Marc fixed the central locking etc)

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Unread post by johnnyj »

Today I thought I would have a look at the air filter, and try to fathom out where the spark plugs are.

The air filter was easy and it looked clean, but I'll get a new one anyway just to be sure. As for the spark plugs, I have no idea but a bit of internet research I am sure will give me the answer. Anyone have any recomendations as to types for the C5?

One interesting feature I discovered under the bonnet, near the battery tray, was a very dead fish. No idea how it got there, or why, but it was well and truly smoked.
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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

If you are interested it may be possible to add cruise control to your C5. First you need to check the brake pedal mechanism (which will be on the left hand side of the car, even if she is right hand drive). What you want to see is either a pair of switches, one in white and the other in red, OR a single switch with four wires connected in a plug. Both of these options means you have a push to break switch (the one needed to disconnect the cruise control when the brake pedal is pressed).

If you have that switch all you then need is a cruise control stalk (and, unless you are good at cutting plastic cleanly, the lower steering column cowling) and access to a Lexia system. Fit the cruise control stalk (it goes into a slot mirrored that of the audio stalk), and then let the car know she HAS that cruise control stalk (using a Lexia you go into the driver module menu, if my memory is correct, change CC stalk from absent to present, and then save the setting (DON'T make any other changes).
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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by johnnyj »

Thanks HR, that's really interesting and I'll have a look for the brake pedal switches. I might be going to look at a scrapper next week which may yield some useful parts, so if it has CC I'll certainly get the stalk and the lower steering column.

All the best

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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

I haven't got it working on my current C5 (she is not 'seeing' the redundant brake pedal switch change state, but she is 'seeing' the CC stalk properly), but it worked on my previous C5. I mainly used it when I was driving through roadwork areas with speed cameras monitoring the roads.
Last edited by Hell Razor5543 on 09 Feb 2020, 23:12, edited 1 time in total.
ex BX 1.9
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Re: Fish

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

johnnyj wrote: 09 Feb 2020, 19:50
One interesting feature I discovered under the bonnet, near the battery tray, was a very dead fish. No idea how it got there, or why, but it was well and truly smoked.

That looks like the results of a prank played on the previous owner to get him guessing what the smell was!! We did something similar to a neighbour with a Morris Oxford many years ago involving his exhaust under the car and a pair of Dad's best kippers!! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: John's Greek C5

Unread post by johnnyj »

Ha, yes, I would think it was something like that, or a disgruntled patient of the doctor who previously owned the car!
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Unread post by johnnyj »

Off to a scrap yard tomorrow, as this dealer has a C5 ready for breaking ... aftokinhto

Hopefully I will find:
- a passenger side mirror assembly
- passenger side sill covers
- washer bottle cap
- gear lever trim
- reversing sensors module
- wheel trims

Wish me luck.
