Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Dormouse »



The total number of new EV sales to private customers is steadily rising according to the SMMT figures but their comments on Charging Infrastructure and the allowance of Hybrids after 2030 and how fixed "2030" will be is worth noting
The comments sections are worth a read too.

On the subject of insurance write offs, I found a "22" plate Tesla 3 AWD with 1700 miles on it for £23000 with what I would call "panel damage"going by the description given - ie runs and drives and has no serious frame or suspension damage or broken glass. Retail value of such a car - £53000. Bargain? I will leave you to ponder that one. Will I be rushing to buy and repair it ( which I am perfectly capable of ) - no.
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by bobins »

I wouldn't put it past Tesla to remotely deactivate a car that's been written off to ensure it can't be put back on the road. All in the interests of 'safety', obviously, and nothing to do with future-proofing their business model :lol:
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Ross_K »

If YouTube has taught me anything, it's that there's no such thing as a cheap Tesla. :rofl2:

I recall the guy on the 'Rich Rebuilds' channel had problems getting service from Tesla after they discovered he rebuilt one.

In the words of Monty Python, run away!

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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Dormouse »

Ross_K wrote: 05 Jan 2023, 14:58 If YouTube has taught me anything, it's that there's no such thing as a cheap Tesla. :rofl2:

I recall the guy on the 'Rich Rebuilds' channel had problems getting service from Tesla after they discovered he rebuilt one.

In the words of Monty Python, run away!

Which is exactly what the Insurance Company has done here. I suspect they have learned the hard way that repairing EVs is a vertical minefield - ie they get problems from both ends.
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Dormouse »

Dormouse wrote: 03 Jan 2023, 18:59

Thought I would throw this one in. I don't agree with the figures of the "fag packet"nomics, however they are in the correct vein and fleet managers are totally going to have to rethink fleet balance and turnover with these types of vehicles. Purpose built, long term commercial EVs is the only practical way forward. The current hodge podge of ICE "converted" vans isn't the way forward IMO. The "costs" are based on "available" information but won't reflect the contract prices for Fleet Operators as these are not usually disclosed to the Public.
Part Two - an interesting follow up?

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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Whilst those videos offer an interesting viewpoint of a particular issue I do believe them to be :offtopic: for this thread Dave. The topic concerned is basically a political one which makes it outside the permitted subject matter for this forum so I believe you should consider moving them to a more appropriate discussion platform and let this thread concentrate on the actual infrastructure in the title! :)
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Dormouse »

OK. I can see that.
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by bobins »

An extrememly good new video from Harry Metcalfe on some of the unreported backstories about BEVs. He's not anti-BEV - far from it, but he is pro being informed and making sensible arguments. I would welcome comments on why he's wrong or ill-informed about what he says so I can hear the other side of the argument.

Just watch this video - it's under 18 minutes long.... and he doesn't shout, speaks in plain English, and it has no annoying music anywhere :lol:

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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by myglaren »

Will have a go later, have to go to the airport shortly.
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Me too, after the snooker! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Just watched the video during mid session break. For me Harry talks a lot of sense with regard to the unreliability of the public charging network. Also I prefer ro sit on the sidelines and wait for new technology like solid state batteries to make an impact.

However he doesn't mention what I consider to be the biggest drawback to an all BEV society, the need for highly upgraded grid cabling across the whole country to enable multi vehicle charging at high current load at each station. To make it work the obvious way to go is for local generation and storage at each charging point and to achieve that wind turbine and solar panels at every site is the requirememt which is a long long way off!! :)
Last edited by mickthemaverick on 16 Jan 2023, 12:42, edited 1 time in total.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by bobins »

He does allude to the fact that the charging network isn't even coming close to meeting the demand of the mandated role-out of BEVs though.
From my point of view - I realise that it doesn't suit the current (geddit ? :-D ) narrative to find fault with BEVs and the charging network, but I don't think denying the issue is going to help. 8-[
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by myglaren »

bobins wrote: 15 Jan 2023, 20:28 An extrememly good new video from Harry Metcalfe on some of the unreported backstories about BEVs. He's not anti-BEV - far from it, but he is pro being informed and making sensible arguments. I would welcome comments on why he's wrong or ill-informed about what he says so I can hear the other side of the argument.

Just watch this video - it's under 18 minutes long.... and he doesn't shout, speaks in plain English, and it has no annoying music anywhere :lol:
I hadn't spotted that it was Harry of the Garage.
He is one of the few I like and I'm surprised I hadn't had a notification as I subscribe to his channel.
Was a bit late last night after I got home.

Agree that there is a lot of common sense there, especially the comments on very expensive luxury electric cars vs diesels that have a longer foreseeable useful life.
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I beg to differ on the story that he's not 'anti EV' seems to me he is doing his best to exaggerate all the negatives. Sure there are some but I haven't come across one myself in the sixteen months I've been using the Zoe.
The charging network is growing daily and the quality and ease of use is also getting better, pretty well the whole of the motorway network has contactless card payment chargers...a bit pricey but that's always been the case whatever fuel you buy on the motorway.
Had to go to the dentist in Cinderford on Friday, Tesco have taken over the failed Co-op there and although they never had a filling station on site the electrical engineers were setting up a Pod-Point charge station in the car park.
The dentist told me I've been taken off his list because I haven't been there for too long............they'll see me if I pay privately though. :roll:
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Re: Electric Vehicles-Infrastructure

Unread post by Dormouse »

Harry Metcalfe talks a lot of sense and he is coming at it from the position of having tried BEV and Green Energy for himself. He gets it that BEVs consume vast amounts of energy and create huge Carbon Footprints to be made in the first place. He knows how the Fleet Average figures are skewed to placate the Rulemakers and are used by the Statistic Twisting Media. He understands what the average motorist wants to do and how they try to be Eco Friendly within their own lives. But the big thing he grasps is that, Tesla (Partly) aside, most other manufacturers just don't get involved in making the BEV eco system work and that the various schemes touted about are not in any way inclusive of infrastructure to support them. He also is acutely aware that not all of us can use BEVs everywhere we want to go. Some of us have to do 400 miles quickly at the drop of a hat and monster sized BEVs is not an answer for us.

Many thanks, again, FCF for finding interesting content for me and the many others who read this.