I take it you are referring to normal Halogen bulbs Paul? Only so much they can do with that technology of course. The thing I'm interesting with these new Osram Lasers D1S bulbs is that they have increased the range, the brightness and have managed to maintain the longevity of the bulb when compared to the standard Xenon HID.Paul-R wrote: 14 Aug 2018, 18:13 2000 lumens, eh. Made me wonder what the +130% etc bulbs throw out. A quick scan gives me Osram Night Breaker Unlimited - 1500 and Philips X-treme Vision +130% - 1500 ±10% so still some way to go.
I know I paid about £160 ish for the pair of my Night Breaker Unlimited Xenarcs about 4 years ago, so these newer ones are not too much more considering the better output.