Not car related, but are there any experienced oven engineers here?
We have a Hotpoint (first ever) Pyrolytic Oven that is just over 2 years old and the initial problem was that after a Pyro Clean it failed to unlock making a constant clicking sound. So we have Domestic & General Insurance on it, apart from Hotpoint's 10 year parts warranty.
First engineer arrived and couldn't open the door. Totally baffled him and his hook tool failed to open it - An hour on the phone with videos and calls, no further along, so talking of smashing the oven door and the like, but in the end he said he had to go off and make a tool, so ordered parts and we had to wait until we heard back.
Next appointment was going to be nearly 2 weeks later! Managed to get them here a week earlier.
Engineer number 2 turned up - with said parts but nobody told him about the door issue - so again no can do. On the phone to his supervisor who told him, he had to make a tool up. The engineer wasn't impressed as they hadn't had training on this oven, but failed to get in again.
So Marc to the rescue, found a large paper clip (yes honestly) and fashioned it into the requisite shape and gave it to the engineer, voila door now open!
As he was demonstrating it and how it locked, he managed to lock the oven door again and paperclip number 1 had broken! Back to square one, fresh out of large paper clips and his attempt to use masking tape to stick it back together was never going to work. Off I went and located a large safety Pin, uncoiled it and passed it over. It worked.
Oven now able to be unscrewed and removed. However on opening, the power board and locking module were different to what has been ordered! Back to square one, so he had to order the correct parts and reassembled it.
However, my issue is that when we refitted it and with the LED torch giving it the once over inside, I noticed loads of rust! Specifically, it was at 1" spaces at the back of the oven floor and up both left and right sides at the back - where it looks to be welding marks where the cavity floor and side part is welded to the back.
So I'm now thinking, hang on this isn't right - never had a rusty oven before, so now I'm thinking we can't use the oven now if repaired as the fans will be kicking up rust dust into the food!
So back onto D&G and the supervisor said "we don't cover rust". To which I said, excuser me we are not talking about a spec of rust, I'm talking about what is clearly a manufacturing defect, as it's all through every single weld point! That's not something I have caused.
So not happy with that they are arranging an inspection on Monday. What do you think, here are the photos. There's also rust appearing where the rack holes are in the oven side.
Click Images to Zoom
It was a top of the range oven but I don't expect it to be rusting like this, yet alone after 2 years!
Also, the last image of the oven floor shows the under floor heating elements and there are brown rust areas also starting to materialise here.
As far as I can see this is not normal, and I am hoping to reject it as unfit for purpose, as to be honest it should be designed to last more than 2 years!