Marc's X7, C3 Aircross, Rants, Raves & Everything Else

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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by Dormouse »

Got my Flu and "Tizer" jags this morning, 08.10 appointment. Home by 08.35. Will let you know how I feel tomorrow. Last 2 times I was tired for a day and that was that.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Well I'm only just getting over the Moderna Booster this morning. I've had a chesty cough for the last 2 days (as in like smoking 80 a day) and a horrendous bitter taste in my mouth I can't get rid of - like you've crunched and chewed up a load of aspirin. :spit:

Glad to say my sense of taste is returning today, but this has to be the worst I've been after any of these jabs. Incidentally got my Flu jab back in early November and I hope there aren't any more jabs to come for a while or my arms will look like sponges.

And I took a punt on ordering a Chinese USB Cable for my Head unit yesterday, so when that arrives in the New Year, I will be installing a secondary USB Port in the Aircross so I can have both Apple CarPlay connected and my music on a separate USB. Unlike other PSA cars, especially the Peugeots, there is little to no place to fit another external port anywhere on the fascia, so I am going to be attempting to route it through the glovebox where the light was supposed to be, but was omitted due to PSA being cheapskates.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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I am surprisingly fine this morning after my jags. I was tired both of the last times with Pfizer. Not bad at all this time, touch wood.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

So today I decided to sort out the second USB port upgrade for my Connected NAV system.

The system only has one USB port provided officially, although the unit does have a redundant USB port available at the back of the Head Unit.

The default setup means that you can only have either Apple CarPlay connected to the existing USB port, or a USB drive but not both. This is because once connected, Apple CarPlay swaps roles and becomes the USB Host and the vehicle becomes the 'Device' instead of the other way round. So CarPlay does not allow a second USB device to be used as a source.

Pros / Cons I have with the current setup:

  1. Personally, I don't like or use Apple Music, and I hate that I have to create a playlist to use with CarPlay - otherwise after each track, playback stops and you have to fiddle about to get another track - totally frustrating. Whether this has been a bug and will be fixed I can't say, but it's unusable for me and I don't have time to keep creating playlists.
  2. In order to use Siri you have to have an internet connection to the phone - so if you are in a poor signal area like me, that's pretty useless for control.
  3. Considering point (2), that means extremely limited voice control and the Aircross voice command system won't extend to playing specific music on the iPhone - that's why Siri is needed.
  4. I can use CarPlay for alternative navigation like Waze / Google if required although I don't need it with the excellent built in system on the NAC.
  5. I can listen to my Podcasts and use other CarPlay apps without having to use it for Music, which in my opinion it does badly.
  1. I do prefer to use a USB key to store my music files on. I can quickly plug this into my PC and swap or add music very quickly without having to faff about with iTunes :evil:
  2. I don't need a playlist - but the option is there should I want it.
  3. Aircross voice commands work seamlessly with the USB drive - I can tell it to play an album or an artist or a song without issue and it's very fast.
So to do this I needed to get hold of a USB cable with fakra connector. I ordered one from the orient for the princely sum of £6. You need a USB Host Control cable. This one says RCC (which are the units without Navigation), but it works just fine for NAC units too:

The other issue I had is trying to locate a suitable place for the other end of the USB in the Aircross. There are limited options - especially if you don't particularly want to go drilling holes in your dash. In the end, I decided the only place I could utilise where the cable would be out of side is in the glovebox.

It turns out that there is a hollow area where the glovebox lid catch clips into the glovebox that goes all the way through to the head unit area in the dash. Not ideal, but it works, so you can have the USB connection stored in the glovebox and just plug in your drive / memory key there.

This is where the cable routing tool above is invaluable - cost £6.00 from the bay.
MFD Clip.jpg
MFD Clips.jpg
Remove Clips using a trim toolThese are the insides of the clips.
MFD Right Trim Clip.jpg
MFD Left Trim Clip.jpg
Right Side of MFDLeft Side of MFD

Then you can see that there are 4 torx screws that need removing, 2 each side. You may have to use a combo of hands and smaller tools to get the ones out on the driver's side as the steering wheel is in the way. I let the horn off several times - but I think my swearing was even louder.

Once out, gently Pivot the Multi-Function Screen towards you from the top and it should release from the four side clips shown in yellow below: Be careful as there are connections immediately behind the screen.
Rear of MFD A.jpg
Rear of MFD B.jpg
Rear left side of MFDRear Right Side of MFD

Start removing the MFD connections - instructions are in the photos: Once the screen connections are removed, be careful to place the screen somewhere where the screen won't get scratched. Once out, you can see the 2 securing bolts of the NAC Head Unit.
Rear of MFD C.jpg
NAC Bolts.jpg

Once the 2 bolts are removed, carefully pull the Head Unit forwards to show the connections. Be very careful not to damage or pull on the harness.
When disconnecting the Head Unit connectors, always remove the large Quadlock connector first (and replace it last).
Rear USB A.jpg
Rear USB B.jpg
On this Head Unit you can see
the USB already has a twin Port.
The existing USB is
populated on the left.
Rear USB C.jpg
Rear USB D.jpg
The Blue Clip can be
Pushed in to release.
The Purple Bridge can be raised to allow
the new USB cable to be inserted.
Rear USB E.jpg
Rear USB F.jpg
Bridge Removed showing slot.Once the existing Connector of the new USB
is removed, slot it in here.

Use your routing tool to hook the USB female end into the loop and thread this through in a straight line through to the glove box area. Use your finger to feel for the cable routing wire, then a pair of long nose pliers to pull it through the aperture where the govebox lid catch goes when closed. Pull through the excess wire.


On this unit, as seen above they used a twin USB block with only one USB cable inserted. Some units may have just a single USB socket in which case you can plug the new Fakra connector in and be done with it. However, as this is a twin connection, I had to remove the new cable from its Fakra connector to be able to insert it into the existing twin connector socket on my Head Unit.

On my new USB cable, the crimp was rounded like a half moon shape on the side that had the plastic purple bridge lock. So it's important to keep this in mind before you remove the cable from the Fakra, as it must go back into the twin connector in the same orientation to ensure the pin signals match up. I suggest you line up the new USB plug at the back of the Head Unit the correct way, then mark the cable so you know which is topmost if you don't have the crimp shape to help you.

Once you have moved the purple bridge up with a small flat screwdriver, you can use the same to lift up the little blue tab that holds the USB cable in place and extract it. Then place it the correct way up into the twin USB connector. it should click into place, then re-insert the purple bridge of the twin socket and you are good to go.

Start reconnecting all the connectors (making sure you plug the large quadlock connector in last). Make sure there are no wires blocking the way and ease the head unit back down, secure the screws, then reattach the touchscreen cables, re-locate bottom first, then pivot up into palce.

Secure the 4 side screws and replace the trim clips.
USB CarPlay Sources.jpg
CarPlay and USB Active.jpg
USB and CarPlay Active.jpg
Job done! \:D/
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Nicely done Marc but I have to say I'm so glad I don't worry about music in the car. Talksport is so much easier to listen to!! :-D
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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How do you filter out all the Chinese crap when searching on Amazon?

When I find out, I shall write a book on it, probably sell it on Amazon and make a fortune, due to all the Chinese sellers buying a copy to keep it permanently out of stock!

I am currently converting a lot of my old 'lossy' MP3 CD Rips to 'lossless' FLAC format. I was listening to some MP3s the other day in the car and thought, God, this sounds terrible, there's no substance and all the detail is missing. So I got a FLAC version of the same track and alternated between them and of course a huge difference noticed straight away. I had never bothered before, but I thought, that's it, time to re-rip everything to FLAC.

Of course I now need to replace some flash drives for the car as the capacity was reduced by about 2/3 rds using the FLAC format. Now the essential researching for a decent flash drive commences and all the obligatory review reading, trying to filter out all the dopes who are complaining about advertised speeds of USB 3.0 when they are using USB 2.0 drives and such like to try and get to the real reviews.

During all this, I again noticed some horrendous cases of fakes on Amazon, where either false capacity stickers have been placed over the original capacity stickers and other drives, that when tested, are picked up as non-genuine products (i.e. if they contain security software for the flash drive, that when activated, says it only works on a genuine **** brand drive as a dead giveaway. Unfortunately there is no way of being able to guarantee you won't get a fake product from Amazon due to the warehousing system they use that I have mentioned before. This is where all items with the same product code are shoved in the same storage warehouse bins regardless of origin! So pot luck whether you get a genuine product or a knock off. It is getting utterly hopeless and the only way is to avoid Amazon altogether.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

I just asked my friendly Amazon customer service lady and this is the reply I got:

Fenomampionona | Customer Service
Actually, this option does not exist yet mr Mick at the moment but stay assured that I have just filled a feedback form on your behalf about it and forwarded this to our team in charge
this is so that the team in charge of the website will improve the way for searching something on the website

Hopefully we will get the facility in the future!! :)
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Ha, ha, I wish, but unlikely Mick as Amazon has 63% of third party sellers who are from either mainland China or Hong Kong.

I think it's a matter of buying elsewhere from independent retailers or other, as yet un-infiltrated outlets.

An essential read in my view of how Chinese Sellers are manipulating Amazon: ... ng-amazon/
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Out of interest Marc I bought 3 x 512Gb flash drives recently. 2 as presents and one for myself. I have now been able to back up my entire laptop and my office PC onto the one flash drive and the speed was acceptable. It took about 8 minutes per machine. Here's the link to the ones I bought: ... 2749.l2649
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Thanks Mick - I'm looking for decent branded ones from past experience, but at the same time avoiding fakes :-D
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Fair to say at the price I was happy to try one given the 5 year guarantee, even though that wouldn't cover loss of data but I cover that myself by using piggy backed backups, one on flash drive and one on detachable hard drive, sometimes it pays to test the water!! :-D
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by myglaren »

I have had loads. Usually go for Sandisk and not had any fakes.
I do have some nameless ones too, all of which have been excellent.
Most from eBay.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I am leaning dare I say it more towards ebay for certain things now. But it's so important to check the returns policy and again, where possible limit sellers to UK only. Some of the products are identical but a bit cheaper when they are shipped from China, so sometimes better to pay a few £ more if you want a UK seller and quicker shipping. They then also generally have to honour UK selling regs.

It's also why after my 'buying tat from Ali Express' project, earlier in my blog, proved it was a bad idea to get anything of value from these people as the products were often falsely described and the returns process made it unviable, had I not stuck my ground and got PayPal to cough up for part return postage costs.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Having been a consistent, but careful, ebayer for 17 years I have completed over 1500 deals and only had 2 go wrong. I did not lose money in either case so I am pretty happy with ebay in general but you do have to take sensible precautions!! :)
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I bought this from Tesco, £12.00 but £9.00 with the club card discount. The Zoe hasn't got a CD player so a stick is going to be needed if I want other than the radio.
I've been moving some stuff from old cassettes to the computer but that's as far as I've got. :)
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