Marc's X7, C3 Aircross, Rants, Raves & Everything Else

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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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You can ask the DVLA for their details Marc if you think they did the damage. Maybe if they're close by you can have a look yourself.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Thinking further about this I wonder if your local police would have the car inspected as a possible act of foul play perpetrator? They will not give you owners details of course but they just may be prepared to check it out! :?: :?:
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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I was serving in the shop when I saw my big Austin move sideway as a truck went by, went out to have a look and I could see the wrap round rear bumper had the chrome gouged out in about a ten inch long strip.

I knew the trucker lived just around the corner so I popped round and confronted him, he denied all knowledge but at a close look at his wheels he had chrome on the nuts like the curled swarf you would get on a drill bit.

He told me to F off so I got the local cops to take a look they agreed it was him but couldn't do anything about it told me to claim on his insurance.

Karma came a couple of weeks later when he cut a corner too close and took the front off a corner shop, they threw the book at him, a big fine and a two year ban.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Nice one!

Well. a further update - taking another look at my dash cam footage to double check there were no CCTV cameras in the car park, I did happen to note that where I parked and where the other suspect car was parked, that the Home Bargains store next to Aldi does in fact have one of those globe cameras on the outside of their shopfront - almost opposite where I parked!

So I've been in touch with the Manager this morning who keep their tapes for a month and confirmed it is an outward facing camera - so I would need to contact the Police for them to review it.

So round 7..... I've completed a Police form with all the details and hopefully they will get back within 2 days. If they can confirm or rule out whether it was the suspect vehicle (or any other that came and went within the 40 minute time frame), then that will be a bonus. I'll know one way or the other. Just been on hold for 30 minutes with the insurance company to advise them who await the outcome and poised ready to roll off a claim!

... it's totally draining all this....
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Hopefully some headway Marc.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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That certainly sounds positive Marc!! So FCF fingers crossed across the country and we'll see what happens.
As to the draining effect, I'm with you there over my own park8ng issue in progress. I have emailed the manager at the Harvester with a mention of compensation for the hassle and waiting for them to offer a free meal!! :-D
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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I hope that Home Bargains come up trumps for you, and the Police are then able to explain to the miscreant the error of their ways. [-o<
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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Having been the "operator" of the CCTV in a public car park, I can confirm that if there's any question like that the police will put a call in to the store to ask for the footage.

It will fall to the store to find the relevant camera, time period and send a copy of the video to the police though. Which was a pain for me as the optical drive on our system was highly touchy as it usually resulted in about five wrecked discs before it would actually finalise one properly.

Did see some crackers though...not least a gang of kids who had nicked their parents focus getting a good six feet of air over a speed table, straight into a streetlight. Then they discovered over the following hour and a half that it's a LOT harder to set fire to a car than Hollywood would have you believe!

They helpfully kept looking straight at the camera that was about 10' away from where they were standing...that was an open and shut case apparently...
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

:-D Thanks for the input Zel.

I may be entirely wrong, but I can't think of anywhere else we were where it could of been done as that was the longest we stayed (40 minutes), with the other places having loads of car park spaces and we were only at each o these for 5-10 minutes tops.

I normally wouldn't bother wasting police time, but as they pass this onto the "local Policing Teams" I assume it's the rare occasion you see a copper on the street that will deal with it.

Hopefully I'll hear back from them over the next day or so, but I'm glad you let me know they can be bothered to deal with - that's encouraging seeing as I've gone to great lengths so far.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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The problem you may encounter is lack of co-operation with the Police. My brother had his (expensive) bicycle stolen from Morrisons (in Reading) and the security guard just shrugged his shoulders and said "Er, bad kids". My brother got in touch with the Police, who did follow it up (he is on very good terms with his local Police, as when HE was in the security game he made sure to get on their good side). Apparently after SIX Police requests over the course of a month Morrisons told them that the 'tapes' had automatically been wiped a fortnight after the theft.
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Well, I've heard nothing from the fuzz and it will be 4 days today since they sent me the email.

I have a feeling it's all going to go a bit Pete Tong from here on down. I'm getting a distinct feeling of mañana.....
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

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An update...

Had a call back from the Police after all to say they had seen the footage and completed an RTC report and provided the reference. Basically they said there was no video of the actual collision in the car park, but the car was "extremely close" which is all they could see given the angle. However they contacted the driver and told me he apologised if he caused any damage but was not aware of it, and was willing to pay for any damage.

So the policeman told me he had permission to pass his name and tel. number on to me, and said if I call him he'll pay for the damage and that will be the end of the matter.

So I leave it until I have spoken to my insurance company and advise them of my intention to contact him, and pass them the RTC ref and his details. They said it is up to me whether I contact him or not, and if I don't want to have anything to do with, that's fine to.

Turns out I called the bloke after this and guess what, he's now saying he's not sure he caused any damage and that me and the police should come round to his house and check hi car out as he can account for every scratch!

Well, I told him I don't have time for that and I'm only calling as the Officer asked me to as a courtesy and that if he's now saying he doesn't think he did, then fair enough, I'll leave it to the insurance to deal with. He wasn't keen on that, but kept insisting he had reversing sensors so it would of beeped.... not if he reversed out and his front end / corner / bumper went into my vehicle side and wheel as he turned out the bay...

Anyway I wasn't very pleased and told him that's his choice and I was off to get a quote from the garage just in case. Called the repair centre and drove down to get a retail quote for him. They called me back the next day with a figure of £1200. But to be honest, I've not even bothered to call the bloke back as I don't like people who say one thing to the police and then the opposite to me.

So I will leave it to the insurance company to deal with regardless of the outcome - whether they contact him or not. Neither I or the other driver get to see the footage, so are not in a position to confirm anything - but if he was adamant, why apologise and offer to pay in the first place if the police office told him the same thing as he did to me?

Anyway, the car goes in Wednesday, so de-personalising it tomorrow and getting a decent Ehrle car wash before it goes in. Incidentally, the chap at the repair centre took some more photos and had a good look. He informed me that there was a slight indent too! I couldn't see it personally, but deferred to his expert eye.

They have ordered the new alloy, a new wheel arch protection trim and rear door protection moulding too, then it's just the paint job 8-[

Fingers crossed..

Seeing as we'll probably be getting a Corsa or a Fiesta as a temporary runabout, I have booked in for surgery to have about a foot taken off each leg to be able to drive it :roll:
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

That sounds more positive than it was Marc so I would call that a reasonable result when you consider where you were without the cctv and police. Now you just need to make sure your bodyshop do a proper job and leave the insurers to sort out the rest. If you have an excess on your policy you may consider a direct claim to the other guys insurance to cover your uninsured loss. Well done!! :)
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Well I suppose it depends if my insurance company have enough evidence to say it was caused by him - so if they don't (I don't get to see the RTC report of the Video) then it will go down as a fault claim for me (fault as in not my fault, but a fault where the costs can't be recovered from a third party). I'm not worried about that if my premium goes up a bit - I protect my NCD, so it won't affect that. What else is insurance for I suppose!

I was reading about the ombudsman and there can be grounds for complaints where car insurance companies whack up your insurance costs disproportionately in some cases, so have already bookmarked that page....

We'll see I guess Mick :)
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Re: Marc's C3 Aircross SUV, Rants Raves & Everything Else

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

My car went in today - so should be ready next week sometime.

I now have Richard Hammond's favourite car of all time as a Courtesy car. :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: answers on a postcard....
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