C4 brothers

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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

To be honest. I think so, although I'm not concerned about value, just to preserve.

Ha ha possibly I'd have to mark and hope, although my dad helped and machined a tool to lock the crankshaft. Bet we can make the other tools too.

I wish I had an SM, no I do have a few DS's and a Break. I just restore and service SM's for clients. Possibly one day I might be able to own one!!

Oh and happy new year!! It is scorching hot here
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

Try to find the blueprint for those tools :mrgreen:

Is SM as cool as it seems? :D
I'd like to own an SM and a DS one day.

Thanks! Happy new year to you, too! And everything else you celebrate!
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

My dad is the blueprint. Few measures and off to the lathe. And guess what. It actually worked! Cambelt done. Took me 3 hours to do it all. Locked the cams too. 5mm studs went in all the way and locked them. Undid the crank pulley and voila. Old belt off and idler pulley aswell as tensioner pulley came off very easy. No rust at all here. So. Was a breeze. Ran out of time. So will turn engine by hand tomorrow and make sure all is well. I do understand why they say to lock crank before loosening or tightening the crank pulley. Silly design I think as the crank cambelt pully can freewheel! The crankshaft pulley aftually keeps the crankshaft timingbelt pulley in one position. Its silly I think. But it works so who am I to think otherwise.

SM’s are extremely finiky. Especially if its been neglected. Very mechanical but it is a work of art. An the engine is like a heart. And you need to listen and feel it to know if something is wrong. Hydraulics are very intricate but straight forward once you understand the concept.

Same with a DS although the engine of a DS albeit underpowered, quite bulletproof. Can handle alot of abuse. The hydraulics can be a nightmare. But if repaired correctly then it is an issueless joy.

Thing is when it comes to classics you roll with the punches. Don’t expect this fuzzy noiseless interiors. Expect niggles and on a DS the odd water in your face or lap when it rains ha ha. But all in all. Gosh they are magnificent!
To see the mechanical bits of an SM. Check out my page if I am allowed to share it. Www.classicdservices.com

Will keep you updated on the c4 timingbelt progress

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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

It seems my cambelt might be a tad loose. Everything lines up perfectly but after freerevving the engine to around 2500 and letting it idle again then O hear something like a bearing that rattles. Will check the timingbelt in the morning but I must be honest. The car revs much much easier. Seems to have alot more power.
Ah well. Learning as I go. But love the learing curve
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

Good job on the timing!

About the noiseless interior, yeah that's what I would expect in an SM :)
Not Mercedes Benz noiseless-ness, but quite quiet interior. Gran tourer with those seats has to be quiet, except a little noise form the V6 :)

Anyways, update on the VTS.
No more yellow foglights/DRL's - one bulb's burned out and I've put old H11's instead.
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

cornesoutafrica, photos on your webpage are awesome! :)