C4 brothers

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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

VTS is on it's winter wheels(LM001 EVO, 2017) :)

I'll snap a photo of the c4 and post it, too :)
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

LM001 EVO are one of the better tyres in the wet.
But as it seems, VTS's got enough horses to make them spin :)
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

I hope the antifreeze/thermostat saga is finished
There's quite a bit of work needed to replace the ts. It took my mechanic(and me) an hour and a half. Whole intake has to go down(except the manifold), the battery, some wiring harnesses but the biggest problem is a clip on the rearmost hose. It's a metal securing clip which has to be taken off at a certain angle, but PSA being PSA, they've made it quite hard to reach.
Anyway, I've flushed the system, now Shell G12+ is inside(couldn't find Total Glacelf AS anywhere).
Coolant now takes 2 kilometers to get to 105°C, as it should be.
Fun fact, there was no heating in the cabin after the job, even though the temperature was at 105-106°C. First thing I did? Floor it! Did it help? Yes it did :mrgreen:

Here are some photos

Coolant puddle on the gearbox
New ts and the old ts
Wiring that was installed, with the temp. sensor built into it
And the car, before and after a wash :)
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

Hi Guys

First of all. Like the VTS quite alot! I have got one too, well, my second one since the first one got written off in a hailstorm.

I need some assistance. She still runs her original NGK sparkplugs. What iridium etc plugs wouls you guys recommend or even easier if I may ask, what are you using in the VTS?

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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

Thanks! Sorry to hear about your VTS. How bad was the damage so that it got written off?

I have Beru Ultra spark plugs in mine. These are the third set of plugs. Originals were Beru, then the dealer put Bosch in, no problems, and now Beru. All three brands were fine.
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »


Well it was dented on every panel and the windscreen was damaged badly, to be honest I think it wasn't that bad but the insurance felt for it to be repaired was just about the amount the car was worth. so they wrote it off, at the time I couldn't afford to buy it back. Fortunately this one came along!!

Do you perhaps have a partnumber for the Bosch plugs? Beru is not available in South Africa. I was thinking of using iridium plugs, more for longevity than performance.

Just for interest sake, my old C4 vts coupe had significant more performance than my current C4! Then again, catalytic convertor was removed and the rear silencer was replaced with a more freeflow type. Hated the loudness but the original rear silencer was way too expensive to replace.

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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

Any pics of your VTS? :)

This is the part number for OEM plugs(made by Bosch): 5960 G3 (but you can also try this one: E160035)

I was thinking about removing the exhaust resonator but don't want to make my car too loud. Once the resonator rots out, I'll just toss it away and put a pipe. Did you get a dealer price for the silencer or did you go to an exhaust shop?
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

The Charcoal/blue metallic one was my first VTS. Got her at 72000 km and lost her at 140xxxkm.
The rear silencer wasn't any performance type silencer, rather just an average replacement unit at an exhaust shop.

The metallic silver VTS is what I have now. with 61500km on the clock. even got the standard rear silencer still intact. hope it lasts as I don't think I'd get one again....
a29cbdd5-a74b-4f9e-bd0f-52c96feb95be (1).JPG
My silver VTS needs the conversion kit for the Aircon flap motor. Unavailable in South Africa and got a very very snotty response from a Local Citroen peugeot garage, utterly pathetic service. Shows again why I just import all the spares I need....

Oh and merry christmas everyone !!
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I really do like the rear of those C4s - a nice bit of design there - was that rear spoiler OEM or an aftermarket addition Corne?
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

Hi Marc

In South Africa the 2.0 16 v 180 VTS came standard with the spoiler, one of the distinction on the VTS apart from the tailpipe. The VTR coupe never had the spoiler as an option so atleast for our market it was very unique
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

60 thousand kilometers, that's nothing! Wish you many happy kilometers with her :)
I understand your pain with the lack of aircon repair kit. Last winter mine got stuck at full head, I've almost died of the heat shock :mrgreen:
What's the weather in Lichtenburg like right now, anyway? :)
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

Thanks so much. My plan is actually to preserve her, so she won't get used too often. Same with my c5 Exclusive. 2001 model with 85k on the clock.

Today is SWELTERING HOT it is 41 degrees celsius. I'm literally staying indoors with the AC on. Fortunately no need to use the c$ with medium heat. I guess Croatia is slightly cooler?
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

That was my plan as well, but I just love the car and I want to drive it so it's at 100k km now.

41 degrees, Jesus! It's around 0 here :mrgreen:
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by cornesoutafrica »

Will try my best to not put kms on her..... promise. Haha.
Fortunately it is starting to cool down. So I guess I might get into the cambelt which hasn’t been changed.... ever as in ever. Still the original cambelt! Got the kit. But I do not have the special tools... guess I will have to make them.
Will be interesting to see if it is even possible for me to do it. Im used to doing chains on an SM guess a VTS can’t be any worse. Lol
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Re: C4 brothers

Unread post by Cutac »

Think it's going to raise in value over time?

Well, you can always use the old fashioned marker method and hope for the best :)
Isn't there a tool kit available to buy?

You had an SM?